July 4, 2012

We are the 70%

Bryant High School is one of the 24 NYC schools slated for turnaround, but like the others, was given a reprieve by the arbitrator. Namita Dwarka is the principal at Bryant.  She was supposed to accept 50% of the teachers back to the school, but only accepted 30% in an attempt to ``clean house''.  What will Dwarka's authority look like when ``the 70%'' return to work in September?


  1. Anonymous7/04/2012

    It would be nice if she decided to be more cooperative since she does not have to get rid of most of us now. But we all know that the Mayor will continue to try and her job is to be a tyrant. We need to decide what to do as a group to help ourselves in the upcoming year.

  2. Anonymous7/04/2012

    There are many questions we can post about the way things went at Bryant this year. We were all treated in a less than professional manner. As one colleague suggested,"We were blindsided." Yes, indeed thinking that what we intended as a new principal would have been a disaster and then having Dwarka foisted upon us and she was worse than the cure. We never really had a dialogue with her and no one was able to work with her even if the idle words were mumbled that "we can work with her" Remember that she takes her directives from The DOE and she has financial obligations which come first and we don't? Furthermore, did we question her when she shoved the Exit Question down our throats. Where was her data to show us how successful it was in moving our student achievement ahead? Are we a bunch of robots just acquiescing to anything she says? What happened to the bumper sticker "Question Authority"? I guess we plaster them on our bumpers of our cars and don't practice what they boast. Leadership is sharing the decision-making and coming to a consensus and making a decision that works for the majority of the stakeholders, not shoving it down our throats. By the way dissent is okay in America. Our school isn't a gulag yet. Ms. Dwarka doesn't get it. Shame on her!

  3. Anonymous7/04/2012

    Dwarka and many other principals in the NYC DOE get away with the stuff they do because they can. We can no longer appeal U observations, which pave the way for U-ratings. We also gave away seniority rights, which allows admins to discriminate against older more expensive educators when choosing who to fill openings (see the ATR issue). Plus, it is illegal for us to strike. We are in a significantly weakened position than we were years ago.

  4. Anonymous7/04/2012

    I am stunned that anyone had the nerve to create this blog because we know how vindictive Dwarka can be if anyone dares to disagree with her even in a calm and collegial manner. But I think it's a good thing because sharing our thoughts and experiences is very cathartic. My observations this year caused me a lot of heartache. I was relieved that the completely incompetent Lourdes Cuesta was not going to destroy our school as her predecessor and fellow incompetent best buddy Aaron Perez began 3 years before. Then by October I relaized that Dwarka had absolutley no leadership or managerial skills. She previously held AP positions at 2 other high schools. Did she learn nothing? She simply talked a big talk about "working together" but all she was, was a puppet for the few individuals in her inner circle. I'll let you guess who those were! If these "advisors" didn't like you or bad-mouthed you for their own personal reasons, you were OUT. If, on the other hand, her advisors held you in high regard suddenly you had key positions all lined up! There is no validity in how she evaluates people. I witnessed her going on a witch-hunt after close friends only because of how they were "perceived" by her advisors. How can you treat professionals like that without having the courtesy to evaluate them yourself? Sure she made a couple of quick classroom observations but we all knew who she was gunning for. Rumors ran rampant over how she bullied and humiliated Gianakouris for inconceivable reasons other than she had committed the sin of speaking out against her. What an obvious sign of irrationality and insecurity! By year's end, no one really saw her. She is not truly interested in the welfare students, teaching and learning, or being an instructional leader. She's on a major power trip and cares only about her control over those beneath her. The morale of the teachers is as low as it can be. I haven't spoken to anyone who feels secure to come back in September. No one has any faith in her. Dwarka will continue to bulldoze her way through another year or two until she moves on to Tweed or some other DOE position but we will be left to pick up the pieces of a broken school!

    1. Sorry to the original poster, this message got stuck in a spam folder. Yes, you got the word right: cathartic. That's one of the main purposes of this blog.

    2. Anonymous7/08/2012

      If her mother (Dwarka's mother) got in the way of her climbing the career-ladder she would through her in front of the bus and tell one of her sycophants to back up the bus and make sure the job was done.

  5. Anonymous7/04/2012

    I would not count on a "mellowing" Namita Dwarka. The reports are already out that she intends to be worse than last year. Another year of playing "gotcha".

  6. Anonymous7/05/2012

    Who cares, we have a contract and we need to follow it and do our job within the guidelines of our contract. Is there a dress code in our contract? Do we have to stand in line when Principal Dwarka needs teachers to do tutoring after school? What does the contract say about these matters? We aren't going back to the retro thinking of the 1950's unless the women want to start wearing white gloves and lower their hems...Should the men start wearing ties and suits?

    1. Anonymous7/11/2012

      I wore a tie and suit everyday I was teaching and was still given a U for personal appearance.

    2. Anonymous7/11/2012

      I cannot believe what I just read! If this is true, Dwarka is truly insane!

    3. Anonymous7/12/2012

      Not only is it true she acctually complimented one of my ties. The only compliment she ever gave me, despite all of my hard work and "data driven" accomplishments. And yes she is insane.

  7. Anonymous7/05/2012

    So should we stand outside the classroom and usher our kids in the room?

  8. If anyone wants to post anonymously, but is afraid of being identifiable, or worries about their writing ability, you are welcome to send us an email with bullet points of what you want to say, and we'll write something for you. Use an email that you don't use often, or create an email address for that purpose. Or you can call our hotline (block your caller ID) at 347-3TWEED7 (The Tweed part is ironic) and leave us a message. We'll post your message for you.

    email: nyc.schools.inside.scoop@gmail.com

    Se habla español.

  9. Anonymous7/05/2012

    Can someone explain what "the exit question" is?

  10. Anonymous7/05/2012

    How can Dwarka possibly remain principal? Last year, she insulted, persecuted and humiliated numerous staff members (not to mention students); those teachers she didn't manage to alienate during the school year, she did at the end by firing the majority of them. She has amply demonstrated she has a malicious, vindictive character - not least by attempting to stain teachers' reputations purely for the sake of it by pointlessly ticking off unsatisfactory's on our ratings sheet. Her leadership has never been about quality education; it was about intimidation. Teachers must work WITH a principal. Dwarka is a paid DOE employee like everybody else. Bryant is not her private fiefdom. Since teachers and administration must cooperate in order to run a school, and that cooperation is now impossible at Bryant, how can she remain principal?

  11. Anonymous7/05/2012

    "Pointlessly ticking off unsatisfactory's on our rating sheet" ... can you believe she did that? I couldn't believe it... (I could, but it just solidified the reality of Dwarka's unprofessional behavior) Next year is going to be hell... another reality I will have to accept. This level of anxiety is unhealthy. I think I will implode.

  12. Anonymous7/05/2012

    I suggest, who do I suggest this to? Right, I suggest we all receive copies of the UFT contract in our box, or mailed to us at home during the summer. Read up, be mindful, and "rigorous" about what you need to do as an educator.

    1. Added a link to the DoE contracts page to the right. The teachers contract is #3.

    2. Anonymous7/11/2012

      As a member of the uft exec board last year I studied the contract. Dwarka violated it many many ways but the uft didn't want to fight her. Those at Bryant next year need to harass the union into fighting Dwarka's nonsense. Unfortunately she's not smart enough to step down or attempt real leadership and I'm sure her ego will drive her to make life worse for those returning, because she failed to get them out of the school. I just hope everyone stands together against her (not counting her puppets who walk around forgetting they're teachers like the rest of us) and makes her witch hunts impossible. Good luck to those coming back in September.

    3. Anonymous7/11/2012

      Let's get real here. The reality is Sam Lazarus is not dynamic and loud enough to stand up for us. He may be a lovely person but if Dwarka is a bitch we need a pibull to stand up to her, not a poodle.

    4. Anonymous7/13/2012

      Then why don't you do it? Support Sam, help him out instead of complaining anonymously, no?

    5. Anonymous7/13/2012

      I must say that I think Sam Lazarus has worked very hard on behalf of the faculty at Bryant. Keep in mind that he is limited by a weakened contract that Bloomberg et al are currently exploiting.

    6. Anonymous7/14/2012

      We have to grieve everything. We must all get as familiar with the contract as we can, to make her as miserable as possible and bog her down with as much as we can. And by the way, do not trust the person in the other corner, either. She has started a war, and it is up to us to finish. She can not stand up to a united front, and believe me, most of the APs are NOT on her side. They want her gone as well. If anyone knows those folks at Art & Design, please reach out to them again, and ask what they know. If we can show a pattern, you never know what help it might be.

    7. Anonymous7/18/2012

      I'd like to also say that I think Sam has been our tireless advocate, has fought for us and supported us to the absolute extent of his power to do so, and that criticism of anybody here other than Principal Dwarka is divisive and counter-productive. She is a breed apart from anyone in our school's administration, malicious and vindictive, someone who is ruthlessly abusing her power - she has got to be removed.

  13. Anonymous7/06/2012

    This lady has severe psychological problems and needs some medical attention.How is this lady in charge of educators and students?She is a walking disaster with no understanding of anything when it come to education and leadership.She is destroying the school and nobody from the DOE seems to care.Her puppets are the funniest people to watch.She used them and at the end of the year fired most of them too.As most of us know, this lady's past has been a complete disaster as well.The stories are endless.I just feel bad for the teachers and administrators that tried to kiss her ass throughout the year and she turned laughed at you guys.Have some respect for yourself and stay away from evil.You jump on that train and your boat will eventually sink sooner rather than later.

  14. Anonymous7/08/2012

    We had already been deemed transformation model, then hurled into turnaround. Now I think it's time to Jump down and pick a bale of cotton. Seriously if Bloomberg is unable to monkey around with the arbitration and we all do return to Bryant (it is time to work in unison). NO SBOS. They threatened us with the fact that the quality review would view it negatively if we didn't vote this in. So we did. Does anyone think the shortened school day and the endless top down pds helped anyone at all? Did QR view us more positively because of it? Did it really make one iota of difference when push came to shove and they decided to close our school? We must take this carnage that was visited upon us and become a force to be reckoned with. Share any and all information including her physical whereabouts in the building at all times. Take back the power.

  15. Anonymous7/08/2012

    Amen...it is about self respect as much as anything else.

  16. Anonymous7/10/2012

    "We were a healthy organization, warts and all. There have been plenty of organizations that thrive, for a time at least, under leaders who yell and scream and fly off the handle and are propelled forward by a culture of intimidation and even fear. But I believe that, ultimately, organizations are collections of human beings. They will perform best and make their greatest achievments when there is clarity, calmness, conviction, and collegiality throughout the ranks" (David Plouffe, The Audacity To Win, 2009).

  17. Anonymous7/10/2012

    When a human being lacks knowledge, experience, leadership skills, communication skills, intelligence, ideas, support, human decency, etc etc etc...there is no reason for him/her to be given the role of principal of a school, and allowed to keep it for even a year. Something, clearly, is not right about those who hired her. She lacked every single one of those things and it was so incredibly obvious. She gave absolutely nothing. She had no no ideas, no constructive comments, no support, NOTHING. This is bigger than her. She was just the unfortunate puppy of a broken system. Who on earth would want her working in their school? Not a soul. So, how did this happen? Very sad that she's one of he worst employees, and even human beings to be put in a position of power.

    1. Anonymous7/11/2012

      And she's a former English teacher who mispronounces words like "epitome." who speaks likecan idiot, who can't even muster up good sounding BS to support her unfounded educational ideas. I asked her to explain how exit slips tell me more about what my students learned than my classwork and she couldn't. Instead she condescendingly told me she'd have someone demonstrate how well they work. And then she never did. She

  18. Anonymous7/11/2012

    What about the young teachers, or those with the fewest years in their departments who will be excessed? When will they find out, August or the beginning of September?

    What a mess we have found ourselves in.

  19. Anonymous7/11/2012

    dwarker is worthless from head to toe.I feel bad for her children and any man that decides to affiliate himself with this trash.Hey dwarker....jealousy is a terrible thing.Too bad you will never be anything more than a delusional DOE puppet.


  20. Anonymous7/11/2012

    I would like to use my name because this is the truth and I do not mind to testify about it in front of any jury or speak to the principal herself, but I will keep it anonymous for now. When she took the job back in September we were approached by teachers of her previous school Art and Design who wanted to come and protest outside Bryant, and of course we said no because we thought that she will be good for the school. They said wait because you do not know with whom you are dealing and they said some more that I do not want to mention. Time passed and we all know what happened. They were right. The school was divided as never before; people were disrespected, terrorized and some were targeted; the divide between teachers and administration was deeper than ever as most of us were kept in the dark and as the principal completely removed herself from the teachers. She followed policies of divide and conquer and she was successful because we were unprepared to stand up. When some of as tried to organize to save the school, she tried, to say the least, to discourage the effort. On top of this we were forced to follow methodology that is unrealistic (because no I can not bring a student to school if even the parents of this child have given up trying) and educationally unsound (studies have shown discovery learning is not effective). We were turned into little bureaucrats with our goals and our action plans that at the end of the day we all know mean nothing. The only good thing that happened in the school under her watch is that the hallways got better. Even the students were noticing her negative effect on the school. There was a part of me that still thought her actions, as misguided as they were, were what she thought was best for the students. Well, she lost that argument when she let some of the most solid teachers in the school go. How can you ever claim that letting ms.Hartman go is best for the students? Her mandate according to the DOE people who came to the school was to take back all qualified people not all who she liked. Administrators like our principal are out for themselves, They are little soldiers who convince themselves that what they do is right only because their superiors told them so. They have no courage and stand for nothing. At the end we were let go in the most cold and inhumane way. What lesson is this for the students who were stunned to find out what happened to their teachers.
    This is the story. We all lived though the nightmare and now we will probably be back in the fall. We should go back. This is not the principal's or anybody's school. This is our school and we should fight to do our best to keep it open. We took this job to serve the students, not ambitious administrators who use these schools as stepping stones in their career. If in our actions we have the interest of the students in mind we have nothing to be afraid of. We have to work together with administrators, but we have to demand that we are treated with respect, and we have to keep them on their toes for the truthfulness of their words. The fight to save our schools and the integrity of our profession is bigger than Bryant. It takes resolve and courage and integrity. We have to give as much publicity as we can to what is going on in our schools so people can wake up to what is really happening. From what I see in this blog nothing written is untrue we do we keep it anonymous?
    Proud to be a teacher.

    1. Anonymous7/11/2012

      I for one would like to hear EXACTLY what the folks from Art & Design have to say about her reign of terror over at that school! Can someone please share?

    2. Anonymous7/11/2012

      SHE NEEDS TO GO!!!!!

    3. Some things need to remain anonymous because there's a real chance for retribution once September rolls around.

      Read in the NYT about Harris Lirtzman who blew the whistle on his school and was investigated himself before being vindicated...but it doesn't mean everyone has to take that route.

    4. Anonymous7/12/2012

      Retribution is a worry, but since I've secured a new job, I plan to speak out using my name once things feel stable at my new placement.

    5. Anonymous7/27/2012

      Don't know about the reign of terror at Art & Design, but the reign of terror continues at Bowne.

  21. Anonymous7/11/2012

    What I would like to BEG everyone to do next year is to vote DOWN that SBO / Friday shortened day "inquiry" hour! This was another example of Dwarka not having a CLUE what "inquiry" was and was too egomaniacal to admit that it wasn't something our school needed. We needed those precious lost hours of instruction so we can raise test scores and graduation rates - the reason we're in this mess in the first place!
    I don't know what happened in everyone else's department but it deteriorated into coffee hour!

  22. Anonymous7/11/2012

    I never knew about those folks from Art & Design. I wish I had, I would have fought to have them speak. I told people from day one what a disaster she would be, and what is she going to do now that the person who made all of the decisions she was left to make (Anything that did not come straight from Tweed) and that she stabbed in the back one of her biggest loyalists when she made her "new school" staffing decisions.

    1. Anonymous7/11/2012

      If I am correctly ascertaining to whom you are referring, that was actually the only entertaining event of this entire disaster.

    2. Anonymous7/11/2012

      Totally disgusting how she threw people away that were her mentors and supporters, like last night's garbage! These actions truly show that this woman has no morals and no soul! Shame on you Dwarka!

  23. Anonymous7/11/2012

    Some schools in the same peer group as the turnaround schools, i.e., schools with similar demographics, silimar numbers of spec ed, ELLs, etc., get better results. In my experience the difference is school leadership. Leaders who can harness the creativity and dedication of their staffs. Leadership texts would call it distributive leadership. In too many schools the leaders are slaves to data to the exclusion of actually leading both the staffs and the students, or, seek to lead with threat and intimidation.

  24. Anonymous7/11/2012

    Real leaders in education stand for what they believe. They respect knowledge and know their subject area better than their best teacher. They are fair and with compassion help the people under them improve. They act based on what works in the classroom not theories or data especially if that data is useless in practice. They do not sacrifice humanity in the name of professionality. They do not play on people's fears to make themselves feel more powerful. Real leaders are not afraid to be questioned and fart on those trying to kiss their their rear end. Real leaders do not call themselves leaders. We need people who WE can proudly call our leaders. I like to learn and I do not mind to be a follower but I will choose what and who I follow. (And I do not think that it will be necessary but we can find those people from art and design and they might not be the only ones interested to come).
    Proud to be a teacher

  25. Anonymous7/12/2012

    To all my colleagues, it occurs to me reading all the atrocities attributed to our fearless leader that she was never meant to succeed. She was put in place to deconstruct the school. Her true purpose is to run the school into the ground, so that eventually it would be broken up into four smaller charter schools.To be run by one of the private educational organizations that are lining their pockets with public funds. That's the name of the game, public funds in private hands. No doubt she has a position waiting for her with Joel Klein and Michelle Rei. Feasible?

  26. Anonymous7/12/2012

    your absolutely right. pure destruction derby.The fact that she got away with all her corruption and other antics explains it all.Shame on the DOE!

  27. Sorry readers, this blog is not moderated, but several posts were flagged as spam. We'll try to fix that.

    1. Anonymous7/12/2012

      I wonder who did that. Shocker.

    2. We meant Blogger's spam filter is automatic. There's no way to modify it or turn it off, except (we think) to require captchas when you post.

      We cleaned out the spam folder. All messages that were originally flagged are now posted. It's possible they are out of order.

  28. Anonymous7/12/2012

    In retrospect, we grateful that my AP stood up to Dwarka . I admire his/her courage. I will always stay by him/her side to do what’s right and best for our students.

    1. Anonymous7/12/2012

      I agree. Not sure which AP you're talking about but mine really put themselves in jeopardy to protect us a department. If only all of them stood up to her things might have been a but better. Not like it mattered, she got rid of all her APs anyway.

    2. Anonymous7/14/2012

      I think the APs were at a loss as much as the teachers. I do not think they agreed with her but I do not think any of them really stood up to her. Maybe they did and I do not know but she would not have been able to do what she did for a year if people did not work with her.

    3. Anonymous7/14/2012

      That is untrue as I am aware that there were a couple of a AP's that stood up to her and they too suffered repercussion for it! There were AP's that saw her for what she isn't ( competent ) from the very beginning and although they were suffering constant repercussions from her. They continued to protect there people as much as possible. She is an inappropriate, unprofessional, insecure, vile, disgusting and evil human being ( I use the word human being loosely )!!!!!!!!

    4. Anonymous7/16/2012

      Totly agree my AP stood up for us and now our AP is out. We are losing a great leader and friend.

  29. Anonymous7/14/2012

    Oh, there were plenty of APs that stood up to her. Most of them by the end of the year, realized what was going on, except one. One other thought they were in the "inner circle" until they were shown (unless you this AP who has their lips on her rear end...and the other AP that was really making all of the non straight from Tweed decisions or telling her how to implement the Tweed decisions) that you are just another nobody. Most of the APs did what they could to protect their people. There was just no way to protect everyone. Do not doubt for a second, that she enjoyed making people miserable. It is why it is imperative that those who go back MUST do so in a united and no holds barred front.

  30. Anonymous7/15/2012

    Tanalski your true colors came out and you showed the entire school how much of a joke you are.Way to go out like that you fool.triple dipping with per session.Useless coach(fraud) that did nothingggggg for his student athletes.You are also disgusting and the karma will all catch up to you at some point.tanalski let me know when you want me to remove your lips from dwarker's rear.total loser!!!!

    1. Anonymous7/15/2012

      You can not blame him for demonstrating who he really is " A LOSER"! I agree karma is going to get him where it's going to hurt him the most! Just Watch!!! I am certain of it!!

  31. Anonymous7/15/2012

    Suggestion, first day back at Bryant in September we (the excessed ) all wear the same color shirt. Providing a differentiated method of revealing our solidarity. Perhaps with a pie chart representing the seventy percent that were not asked back. Which will fulfill the graphic organizer portion of the lesson, making the point more accessible for the weaker student as well as incorporating math. We all know she loves pi.

    1. Anonymous7/15/2012

      I know you kind of meant this as a joke but, this is not a bad idea. readers here can pick the color.

    2. Anonymous7/15/2012

      No joke, just tongue in cheek.

    3. Anonymous7/26/2012

      Blue is power!!

  32. Anonymous7/15/2012

    I question the system itself which makes it so Easy to become a Principal or any AP for that matter. From the time Chris Pelletierri became principal it seemed as long as anyone had a pulse and someone somewhere in Power appointed him/her that's it. Why doesn't anyone evaluate these people? Pellettieri, Cuesta, Perez, Dwarka, Kinkaid, Yacavone, Tanalski, Toskos, and Montalvo were not excellent or amazing teachers or had any extraordinary capabilities. If anything most of them were known to be slackers with questionable behaviors. They just happenned to be at thr right place at the right time. Even the teachers who are rumored to be jockeying fir future AP positions are not known by their students or peers as excelent teachers! They just happen to be kissing the right person's ass at the moment We as teachers are continually being asked to jump through hoops but maybe the Supervisors are the ones who should be inspected more closely? At Bryant the DOE has allowed this corrupt culture where the trash keeps appointing trash and there's no end in sight!

    1. Anonymous7/15/2012

      This comment is actually quite obnoxious and could only have been made by someone that is clueless!!! Some people have had to work very hard to be where they are!!!! Also let's not forget that there are many people in Bryant High School had been able to get away with doing the wrong thing for many years and they are poor examples of corruption!!!!

    2. Anonymous7/15/2012

      Administrators should be reviewed annually, one part of that review should be an anonymous survey completed by the teachers in their department. This is done at the university level at the end of every semester by students, the results of which very often determine whether the instructor will be teaching that same class again. The Doe keeps the pressure on the teachers, but where is the accountability for the middle management. In many cases they are really just another level of bureaucracy with little or no instructional purpose. In a strong department APs are less than critical. We should have a system where the ap responsibilities are rotated by the people in the department. Everyone would take a turn. Then there would be no power base.

    3. Anonymous7/15/2012

      AP's are evaluated by the Principal. If you want to use the university level example, it would then be the students not the staff members in their departments.

    4. Anonymous7/15/2012

      Exactly, but like at the university level the people who are directly affected by the experience are the ones who complete the survey. I know its a bit of mental gymnastics but the analogy stands.

    5. Anonymous7/15/2012

      The analogy is not the appropriate one besides whomever is writing this has no idea what they are really talking about. There was no mental gymnastics involved as there were no pearls of wisdom provided in this statement. Focus on the actual problem at hand and that would be Dwarka !!!!!!

    6. Anonymous7/16/2012

      I'm sorry but putting any of those people in with Dwarka and Tanalski is a horrible misrepresentation. Especially Toskos, Montalvo and Pellitieri, because regardless of who liked or didn't like them they were genuinely invested in the well being of the school, departments and students. They were, in my experiences with them, supportive administrators who may have had to tow the DOE line at times, but made so secret if they disagreed with it.

    7. Anonymous7/16/2012

      Oh, forgive me for not getting on the bash Dwarka thread, but I actually thought this might be a forum to have a larger discussion about the limitations of the system and not just a place to vent personal grievances. So get your head out of your ass and look at the bigger picture!!!!!!

    8. Anonymous7/16/2012

      Its totally about the system. We have to stick together. Dwarka is a nobody. I cant fathom that anyone respects her as a human or an employee. But the problem is the people who gave her this position and are allowing her to keep it so far. Shes comical. Her ego and ridiculous antics are childish and dumb. We cannot let her have power. But the DOE is fully at fault. Fully. She will never change. The DOE must change.

    9. Anonymous7/16/2012

      This is a forum for that, this is as much for uniting people against Bryant Enemy #1. You can not go after the system at large until you take care of your own house. This is about being treated with respect and like a human being. None of us has ever said, here or in person we have all of the answers but we do our best to treat people with respect. Writing someone up because they did not have a physical lesson plan for the day they were giving an exam, really? How do you justify that under any circumstances. No one is saying that you have to like those others or have positive feelings about them, but there is only one of those people that made people dread to walk into the building just a mere weeks after they stood up in front of us and said "I am Bryant". Only one of those people Was trying to get APs to change ratings without ever seeing a lesson. It would be completely wrong for her to do it in English, but even more wrong for subjects she knows nothing about. And that end of year ratings sheet stunt, speaks for itself.

    10. Anonymous7/19/2012

      I have to admit that I felt for the APs who had to put up with BULLY DWARKA on a daily basis. She is low class, obsene and has no clue about education. She is a stupid dictator! I have observed some of the APs as a student-teacher: Virzi was boring, Lisa Diaz Rodriguez, Kincaid and Yacovone were lazy, Troll was hard-working, Maria Toskos was creative and very talented, Sonia B knows her stuff and Montalvo is a fine gentleman. Did Tanalski ever teach???? Who the hell is Troianos?
      Proud to be a teacher

    11. Anonymous7/22/2012

      You are spot on about the LAZY Yacavone/Tanalski/Kincaid/D-R but please spare us the praise of Montalvo. Just because you are kind and gentle doesn't mean you are a good LEADER. Come on the guy is a pushover. And I will disagree about Virzi: she is the one that was hard-working and knew her stuff.

  33. Anonymous7/15/2012

    To put three of those people in with the rest is an insult to the rest of those people. Three of those people are so beyond disgusting, it is laughable. The others were/are hard workers who gave a damn about people and worked their tails off. I understand the anti-management stance, I am very much for it, bit to equivocate all of those people the same is plain wrong. You may not like them all, but they are not all the same.

    1. Anonymous7/15/2012

      To whomever this is.....the acknowledgement of the differences is appreciated!!!!

  34. Anonymous7/16/2012

    A quick word: the more this becomes a place to bash those we dislike, the more invalid it will become. We all have opinions about who is a stronger leader than who, but we cant sit here and say that any of the people mentioned were dangerous or entirely cruel. Dwarka is the only person who is placed for the sole purpose of destroying a school. And for her placement we should make a clear case against the doe. There is nothig redeeming abiut this person or anyones decision to place her. No one else is in that category. Please lets focus....lets continue to share all of the things that were taking place so that we can build a strong united case.

    1. Anonymous7/16/2012

      Agreed...we have to stay focused.

  35. Anonymous7/16/2012

    I absolutely....lets just focus on the problem at hand that one person that has been deemed to be incompetent at every level of her professional ( I am using professional loosely ) career. She was an unsuccessful student, teacher, dean, at the office of youth development at Tweed, Assistant Principal- Security/English and at the network. All of the prior adminstrators mentioned were successful at other positions within their careers!!!!! Let's not forget this and this is regardless of ones own person feelings regarding any of these individuals.

  36. Anonymous7/17/2012

    I suggest that you do not write here anything that you would not be willing to say to the person you are referring to. You know that whatever is on the web is private until somebody decides that it is not. So be careful because I do not think anybody wants to find him or herself embarrassed or even worse legally liable. And no, I would not say anything negative about Pellitieri, a principal that I felt comfortable at any time walking into his office and speak to him. I have nothing negative to say about Kincaid who respected his teachers. I have nothing negative to say about Tanalski who protected his teachers. I have nothing negative to say about Montalvo who is a gentleman a rarity in our days. I have nothing negative to say about Maria Toskos who she is a human being and not a ruthless administrator. Perez did not go after any teachers and as for Yacavone what can I say, he is cute. Anyway again on a serious note, I have not written anything in these blog that I would not stand by and I think this is a valid suggestion.
    Proud to be a teacher.

    1. Anonymous7/17/2012

      please don't be afraid to say the truth.That has been a major problem at our corrupt school for years.People need to be held accountable for their corrupt actions that is plaguing our school for a long while now.If this all comes out in the open, the embarrassed parties will be the people that engaged in all these illegal operations,not the people that spoke the truth.Keep it coming!
      Proud to be a teacher.

    2. Anonymous7/17/2012

      Anyone that finds a man that is incompetent, useless, lazy and immoral....cute is truly disturbed!!!!

    3. Anonymous7/17/2012

      Relax it was a joke

  37. Anonymous7/17/2012

    I should also say that what made those administrators different was that they understood how unrealistic and ineffective DOE policies are and they let the teachers teach. Also teachers who started their career under those administrators were lucky because they got a chance to grow without constant threats. People like our principal sound like religious converts when they reach the new enlightenment, and as a wise professor once told me, God save us from the converted.
    Proud to be a teacher.

  38. Anonymous7/18/2012

    Today there was a call for all the unions to participate in a rally in support of the Con Ed workers. The UFT tried to mobilize. We have about 150.000 members with the home care workers and the retires. Maybe about a hundred showed up. From Bryant it was all together two people and one was not a teacher. I know it is summer, it was poorly advertised but still ... After everything that we have been through, I do not know what will take to get people involved. Our struggle is a workers' struggle. If one group of workers loses we all lose. The only reason why we have a pay check right now is our Union as lame as it might be. When we are called to action unless it is something against our principles, we have to be there. We have difficult times ahead, We must stay alert.

    1. Anonymous7/20/2012

      I didn't get the information. I would have been there!

  39. Anonymous7/19/2012

    So a summer colleague of mine sees me in the teachers' lounge and says, "I was thinking about you last night." I said "Really?". I asked why, and she replies, "last night, I was in my administration class and the topic comes up of "what not to so as an administrator" (class has both teachers and non education professionals in it). So the colleague says, a person raised their hand and said exactly what you said (earlier that morning) about what happened with the "job interviews". If you had not told me, I never would have noticed it.

    I asked if the person who answered was a DOE person, and the colleague said, "no". I have been laughing hysterically about it since...in one year, she has become the example they are talking about in college classes of what NOT to so as an administrator.


    1. Anonymous7/21/2012

      In my experience numerous current administrators need to go back to school and learn how to be a leader. Their "gotcha" behavior is the opposite of what works to improve education. Is this what the DOE encourages and supports? No wonder NYC schools are a mess.

  40. Anonymous7/21/2012

    Unfortunately qualities that make a good "leader" cannot be taught. Those degrees as far as I'm concerned are worthless. People that have are MODEL teachers with proven test results and EXCELLENT classroom teaching skills need to be recognized and nominated and screened carefully for these Principal/AP positions. Stop this cronyism/nepotism that is corrupting the core of our schools!

  41. Anonymous7/23/2012

    Let,s all keep our fingers crossed that the judge sends Bloomberg out on his butt. After tomorrow then we can determine our next course of action. Till then, in the words of our ridiculous leader

  42. Anonymous7/24/2012

    Hey, congrats to all. Wish I was a fly on the wall with Dwarka and her puppets. I heard Dwarka petitioned the DOE to change the school colors to BLACK and BLUE to match her ego. Good luck to all it's been a blast.

  43. Anonymous7/24/2012

    Great day! Dwarker/bloomberg hahahahahaha

  44. Anonymous7/25/2012

    A great day yesterday, agreed...but do not expect a humbled and contrite Dwarka, she will ramp up the gotcha squad.

  45. Anonymous7/25/2012

    Her malicious nature was exposed and if you had any self-redpect you will serve her some serious sabotage. All of us going back need to stand united and stop the ass-kissing that got us nowhere! Grieve everything. Speak out. Talk back. Refuse to do anything beyond your 6 hours 50 minutes. Heckle her at meetings. Humiliate her during the QR. turn the PTA against her. Write letters to our legislators. Sit back while her chosen 20% and the lost souls she hires to fill some of our vacancies self-destruct and run the school into the ground. There's no going back. She needs to fail hard so the DOE can step in and replace her. We have nothing to lose. She's going to get rid of us at the first chance se can. Now we have to turn the tables on her and see how she liked to be terrorized. A taste of her own medicine. STOP PLAYING NICE! Ask yourself: What is taking the proverbial "high road" going to get you? I'll tell you: A big SUCKER stamp across your forhead next June when she excesses you again. Got it? Good! Class dismissed!

  46. Anonymous7/25/2012

    Yacovone Tanalski and Dwarka had Rose and Bernadette as their mentors. Pellettieri was just stupid. Yacovone's father got all his jobs he certainly didn't get on good looks barf barf. Some of us go back to when Chris used to drool when he was dating a secretary. Yacovone was too busy chasing skirts and Tanalski was busy being a b.s. artist.

    Dwarka learned from Satsn himself her ex fiancé Howard Kwait the princ at Bowne

    1. Anonymous7/25/2012

      Yes Satan and satan's mistress a pair destined to go to hell, but before they do they want to create hell on earth for everyone else.

  47. Anonymous7/25/2012

    Thanks for the 411! Sadly these people couldn't care less about education, teaching, learning, leadership, or any other honorable pursuit. Yacavone, Dwarka, and Pelletierri (dogs in heat) Tanalski (grifter who defines corruption and incompetence) Rose and Berbadette (leaders by intimidation to mask their lack of people skills). A black hole should open and suck them all out of existence.

    1. Anonymous7/25/2012

      Dogs in heat is good description. Watch what you say in front of spy secretaries in rooms 133, 125, 121. Also school aides in 127 and 125. Big brother is watching!!!
      If only the walls (especially the back room) could talk - we'd have a great sitcom on tv or bestseller from the comings and goings in room 125.

  48. Anonymous7/26/2012

    Hi ho Hi ho Off as chapter leader Sam must go!

    He likes the attention but didn't protect one person. Even his committee members like Jason Fischedick was forced to leave and former member Laura Mourino.

  49. Anonymous7/26/2012

    Princess Dwarker what are you going to do without tanalski holding your dress up around the the school this upcoming year(since your incompetent)?Who is going to be his replacement....jack the custodian or pelly the robot? Stay Gold

  50. Anonymous7/26/2012

    I at first thought this blog was a good idea, but I've become very disappointed as it's devolved into a place where people hide behind their anonymity to bash administrators, chapter leaders, and other teachers. To attack Sam on here is disgusting. He fought for the teachers and stood up to the principal. It's easy to sit on this site and feel powerful while saying this one sucks and that one sucks but I spent last year in Bryant and Sam was one of the few people who didn't keep quiet about the injustice and grumble to themselves, too afraid to do anything because of retribution. I'm not saying people can't dislike who they want, but this blog loses more and more power the more it becomes a "let's attack everyone" session. How will The staff survive another year of Dwarka when we can't even post in this blog without attacking each other?

    1. Anonymous7/26/2012

      Agreed. Sam and the UFT fought for us, and won on many occasions. They are not the enemy of Bryant and need our support and appreciation for what they've done. Surely someone can say it's reasonable when going on the attack to make sure you have the right leader but I honestly can't think of any other person who could do half the job Sam does.

      Don't give in to criticisms that hurt more than they help. It's like blaming a teacher for not getting rehired when not getting rehired doesn't mean they *let Dwarka win,* or got lazy on the job fighting for their position. It means she had the upper hand in that situation and they lost one round of a greater fight. This is the sam scenario Sam was in alllll year.

    2. Anonymous7/26/2012

      First of all, the blog is a good idea, with it being summer time, there is not much really to discuss, except venting and relieving the tensions. Should we attack our colleagues, Sam in particular? No. However, we can all agree that it is going to happen. We may not be all of one mind when it comes to anyone, even the person whom they are talking about in college classes as an example of what not to do. Clearly some people have decided they want to be on that team, and they have a right. Regardless of your opinion of Sam's job as rep, he did his best to be a peace broker, trying to balance everyone's needs on his shoulders. I do not agree with the approach he took on everything, but he did what he thought was the right thing for the entire staff. He tried to give the administration the benefit of the doubt, seeing as she was once a member of our staff, and that did not work. He was swamped this past year and will be again, because she will be out for blood, and won't have her crutch from last year to lean on. Will it move down the hall? I don't know. Either way, unless know where it is all coming from and just people vent for now, and make sure we all on the same page in September, it will be an even longer year in 2012-13.

      In the end the person who make the comment about Sam will get their chance to have their feelings known, either at the ballot or become a member of the executive committee.

  51. Anonymous7/26/2012

    Sam wasn't as saintly as you make him out to be. You lost sight that teachers aren't the only ones he represents and he lost sight of that. Lots of staff pay UFT dues.

    1. Anonymous7/26/2012

      Anyone unhappy with his work as uft rep can not vote for him next year, but I still think this blog is not the place to bash him on.

    2. Anonymous7/26/2012

      Has anyone given any thought to how the "hiring decisions" of the past year may play out in the very near future? Is there a way to vacate those decisions as part of the illegality of the entire process? My fear is the excessed population of teachers remains marked. When the school is authentically a New School,and it will be,will the doe revert back to the earlier decisions.
      At the very least they should have to repeat the whole inane process.

    3. Jeff Green7/27/2012

      My brothers and sisters, Jeff Green here. I have accepted an ESL position at Fort Hamilton. On the way home from the Demo lesson yesterday, I was in tears; ones of joy and sadness. The sadness of the situation at William Cullen Bryant High School has been too much for us all. I love the school, its students, and staff, but like the other 23 turnaround schools, I feel that it is going to suffer a slow death. What students will go to this "failing" school? Level 3's and 4's? No, the school will get 1's. Although I love working with these students and have gotten great results that will give the school more points, the school will not get better, and as such will be shut down.
      The DOE and others tried to kill it once, and they will do it again. It will become one with charters, so that 3's and 4's will attend. Yes, I wanted to come back and fight to show how strong the Bryant community is; however, it would have really been like going back to someone who has cheated on me. Too much politics, too much stress, too much hopelessness.
      To all of those whom I smiled at everyday, I hope you win this fight. To all who were there for the students and fellow staff, I thank you for four great years and one horrible one. To those who, not unlike myself, were subjected to and/or witnessed the injustices imposed upon our students and staff I empathasize with you.
      Finally, Sam was not the problem. We were not strong as a union. We were not in it together last year, but I hope we will be together again.

      "When we lose love, we lose also our identification with the universe and with eternal values—an identification which alone makes it possible for us to lay our lives on the altar for what we believe."

      Sarah Patton Boyle

    4. Anonymous7/27/2012

      Jeff you will be sorely missed, from both a professional and personal stand point.

    5. Anonymous7/27/2012

      Good Luck.....it is important work somewhere one can be productive!

    6. linda :)7/28/2012

      Good luck jeff, your new students are lucky to have you and i have enjoyed working with you!

  52. Anonymous7/26/2012

    If your comment about writing as anonymous why didn't you sign your name? Are you hiding behind the she-devils skirt? COWARD.

    1. Anonymous7/31/2012

      It was Georgia Lignou and what I write I stand by heart and soul as I did the whole year.

  53. Anonymous7/26/2012

    Who are the Principal's pets now that Sean and Tanalski are gone? Number 1 pet is still Henry then the yac who is next?

  54. Anonymous7/26/2012

    Those who are on that side are easy enough to spot, they are the folks who used to talk to you and were at least collegial, and now they do not talk to you or even look people in the eye. They are clearly embarrassed they have "crossed over". Sad part is that most of us understand that a new administration comes in and the dynamic in the building changes. This past year however was the first time that the dynamic was toxic. It was sad to see people having all been part of the group was a successful group turn their backs on folks...despite not having to.

  55. Anonymous7/27/2012

    Henry the floor mat.poor thing

    1. Anonymous7/27/2012

      Don't feel sorry for him - he could have said he wanted to remain the classroom

    2. Anonymous8/02/2012

      Just curious - Shouldn't we have had to VOTE for Henry's position? If it's a comp time and he's a teacher, doesn't the union have to approve? I don't remember any of this!

  56. Anonymous7/27/2012

    Don't think the person was feeling sorry...think they were being sarcastic.

  57. Anonymous7/27/2012

    Does anyone know which AP's are coming back?

  58. Anonymous7/27/2012

    I think our next united course of action is to attack the puppets and ass-kissers. Without an army of spies and minions Satan's Mistress has no power. The targets should be: Jackie Exarhos (who released this one from the insane asylum???) Henry Huezo ( clueless slacker hiding behind excel spreadsheets) Pelly Papoutsis (too busy puffing her cancer sticks and texting about when the next happy hour is) and Laura Canistraci (lives in a different reality of gumdrops and unicorns). We should treat them like the scabs and miscreants they are until they feel so isolated that they implode.

    1. Anonymous7/27/2012

      This is Pelly Papoutsis. If you have a problem with me, I suggest you contact me personally and express your feelings. I would be glad to speak to you...if you are not man/woman enough to do so, then keep my name off of this blog.

    2. Anonymous7/27/2012

      Ppapoutsis@schools.nyc.gov. Just in case you didn't know.

    3. Anonymous7/27/2012

      One should not get upset when one demonstrates ones lack of character to others!!!!!!

    4. Anonymous7/27/2012

      Exactly exactly. She's quick to challenge anyone to a fight. Sounds like a barnyard bully to me. Just what Dwarkaka wants to execute her hell-on-earth. How does it feel stepping on Sonia on your way up Dwarkaka's ass?

    5. Anonymous7/27/2012

      Once again, when administrations change, dynamics change, new president, new cabinet. I was more sad that folks changed. I had no doubts on what a lack of leadership we were going to have (although, even I did not realize to what extent it was going to be), but those who "took those positions" went from being part of the group, to people (not all) who barely acknowledge you. I am sad because we all know why they did it...orders. This what the person who has become a college class lesson on what not to do as an administrator wants. Find ONE real person who in any moment of intellectual honesty who agrees that writing up a person for a lack of lesson plan the day of an exam, and maybe I will reassess my thoughts on this woman, but it will not change my thoughts on how sad it is these colleagues have been lost to her.

  59. Anonymous7/27/2012

    There is seriously a problem with the school aids and secretaries. Due to the complete apathy and indifference of Yacavone these busy bodies are privy to way more sensitive and private information about our personal lives than they should be. They walk around the place like they run the show. It is completely understandable if by typing up something for Yacavone they migh see something but I've heard many times for years how these APs just openly discuss private things about staff members with Maureen or Emily or Marcie that is completely unnecessary. Not too mention these girls are some of the worst trash themselves. Cursing up a storm in front of students, talking loudly in hallways while teachers are trying to teach, perpetuating rumors about each other and teachers, the list goes on. It all goes back to administration. How can these secretaries/aides be disciplined if their own supervisors are the same or worse?!?! Monkey see monkey do. Our school will never be a place of professionalism as long as the people at the "top" are replaced by true examples of class and grace.

  60. Anonymous7/27/2012

    Secretaies are often prvy to information do to the things that they are required to do by their supervisors. Secretaries are supposed to have something called discretion but when you work for a stupavisor......what can we expect!!!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous7/27/2012

      Just look at what they did to a secretary last year.

      Dwarka and her sicko followers will burn in hell - doubt even Satan would let the she-devil in she's beyond evil.

  61. Anonymous7/27/2012

    hey Dwarker----you ready to play cat and mouse in sept?I can't wait :)

  62. Anonymous7/27/2012

    Maureen and her friends Tara Frank and Anna Hartofilis in room125 are dangerous. These 3 stooges can't keep their tongues from wagging. Tara has been kissing ass for years. Maureen has been doing school safety officers for years behind the auditorium and treasurers office principals and AP's have it all on tape and have been getting their jollies for years. Anna is just stupid must be all that haircon her head clogging her brain cells.

    Emily sits reads her bible but doesn't practice what she preaches . Mimi is dumber than a door knob-one of Emily's followers.

    Guy supports these idiots because he is the head idiot. Just look at who he associates with.

  63. Anonymous7/27/2012

    Now that the Brosnan's aren't in the in crowd Jackie Exarhos has taken over as the Queen of ISS. Watch what you wish for Jackie you are expendable like everyone else.

    Maureen maybe Dwarka can give you an English lesson on proper speech. You speak like a dropout and a GED recipient.

  64. Anonymous7/27/2012

    Emily Pourtoulidis is the most insidious of them all. She pretends to be a God-fearing devout Jehovah Witness but like someone said already is the first to light the match to burn those that Dwarka wants at the stake. She's more like the First Lady if the Ku Klux Klan.

  65. Anonymous7/27/2012

    How many jehovah witnesses do you know who wear Prada and drive a range rover. Maybe Dwarka should throw Emily's daughter out of her office. She heard many privvy comments in Yacovone's office for years. God-fearing - SHE'S A BITCH who sits with a sour-puss face on all day. She is nothing more than a gopher - order me lunch, order me breakfast - I need to make travel arrangements - I need my back scratched. SHE'S ALWAYS BEEN USELESS BUT THEY ARE AFRAID OF HER BIG MOUTH

  66. Anonymous7/27/2012

    Good Luck Jeff Greene - watch your back the Principal was once an AP at Bryant. She's close with Rose and Bernadette.

  67. Anonymous7/27/2012

    What about the loudmouth Nancy Alvarez and her 3 demon-spawn who were anything but good students. Jack should throw her and Maureen out with the rest of the trash. Calling Maureen a GED recipient is giving her way too much credit.

    1. Anonymous7/27/2012

      The person that wrote that comment about Nancy's children is disgusting and obviously doesn't know them. She four great children and anyone would be extremely proud to have them as their children!!!! I am pretty sure I know who this is!!!! SHAME ON YOU!!!!!

  68. Anonymous7/27/2012

    jack is a principal now didn't you guys know? Jack your trash just like the stuff you throw out everyday.Don't forget that and stay out of dwarker's ass you fool.

    1. Anonymous7/27/2012

      Jack and his wife are both pretty pathetic but what can you expect from someone who thinks it's ok to say that it's a good thing that the administration at Bryant was changing last year because it was getting too Hispanic!!!!! Look at the student body you idiot.......have the kids in the school are Hispanic!!!! The are both disgusting Racist!!!!!

    2. Anonymous7/28/2012

      What do you expect from uneducated people. They considered themselves as part of the staff.

    3. Anonymous7/28/2012

      It really is pathetic that he thinks he is part of the administration.He really needs to reassess what he does for a living and stop striving to feel important because he never will have any significant importance besides throwing out our trash.

    4. Anonymous7/29/2012

      Terriible terrible coworkers...I am embarassed to work with people wo misplace their anger and rant about Jack and Cindy... get it together! Teach, protest against the real problem, be an example to students. This is absurd..

  69. Anonymous7/27/2012

    Guys these last few comments do not help things, we all have things and people we do not trust but to get on people because of their religion and hair, picking on people's children. That is not right. Could they and are legit beefs, that would depend on perspective. Want to express feelings? Fine. Don't like certain people. You're entitled, but can we keep the discourse at a bit higher level. I have complaints too, and a lot of the same mistrusts, but can we find a more professional way of expressing those opinions. I am sure that we can all find folks that don't like or trust someone and have it be each and everyone of us. The point of this blog, and it seems to get a lot of views, even if it is by a select group of people is to keep people together and aware. Please.

    1. Anonymous7/28/2012

      The hair comment about Hartofilis is appropriate. She looks like her finger is stuck in a light socket - even Einstein combed his hair.

    2. Anonymous7/28/2012

      The best thing that ever happened was this blog.The best part about it is the fact that 99% of the info on here is accurate.Nothing better than having the people that engage in wrong doings exposed and embarrassed.Keep up the good work folks.Good night!

    3. Anonymous7/28/2012

      Jack all you are good for are your betting pools and doing repairs for Tanalski and Dwarka in their houses. Cindy you do their windows remember you were hired as a CLEANING GIRL. You and the hubby are white trash like the garbage you throw out.

  70. Anonymous7/28/2012

    Beware:Jackie Exarhos is a dwarker wanna be and is just as much of a power seeking loser.She's selfish and will throw you under the bus in a drop of the pin.She is mentally unstable and truly belongs in a mental institution.If she disappeared today nobody would notice.Totally worthless and awful looking!

  71. Anonymous7/28/2012

    I want to address those of you up in arms about the personal attacks... This is exactly what happens when human beings are belittled and mistreated by others and have no viable recourse to battle the injustice! If you are so saddened and disgusted then you should have spoken up against the abuse of power unleashed on innocent people by Sherry, Cindy, Nancy, Delroy, Marcie, Maureen, Anna, and all the other uneducated at the bottom of the salary scale. Why are people posting and attacking? Could they have taken the proper channels to put an end to their own personal victimization without being labeled "trouble-makers" by those in positions of authority??? The Answer is NO. So spare us the sanctimonious attitude. If you act like a beast to a waiter, guess what, they're going to spit in your food. And through this blog all the beasts at Bryant can enjoy the fruits of their actions!

    1. Anonymous7/28/2012

      Nancy left on her own accord - her kids should be kept out of all this nastiness. Sherry left on her own terms. She did go to the union and filed grievances downtown but satan's mistress had goons squash everything. Why are you picking on people who left and probably don't know about the blog? Ask Guy what he found when he had Jack break into someone's desk. NOTHING the person had already emptied it along with everything in the computer. Ha ha you fools egg on your tanned wrinkly faces.

      Get a life stop picking on people who don't give a rats behind what happens to the school - LUCKY THEM they've escaped from the insane assylum.

      HEY GUY and DWARKA not everyone is as stupid as you think we are.

    2. Anonymous7/28/2012

      Grievances were filed all year, and people do speak up, but as previously mentioned, getting Tweed to act against an administrator takes basically an act of God...look at what happened with the Flushing principal, fired? No. Suspended without pay? No...suspended with pay. Look at what happened in the Bronx a few months ago...an administrator found guilty of something (I admit I can't remember what) and he was suspended WITH pay...his secretary was charged with obstructing an investigation, suspended WITHOUT pay. Do not tell me that people did not speak up. They do, does not always mean anything. I had BLACK & WHITE evidence of grade changing & fake credit giving, and NOTHING, I repeat NOTHING happened.

      We have to make sure that we fight back in the building, to not let last year happen again. And if you have a gripe, fine...but to attack someone for their hair, and those types of things are childish and do not help the discourse.

    3. Anonymous7/28/2012

      Uneducated? I've seen more teachers than I care to think about thatcant't teach their way out of a paper bag. Go hide behind your tenure.

    4. Anonymous7/29/2012

      If coming to work and actually doing your job is called kissing ass so be it. Maybe you should learn from these people. It all comes down to JEALOUSY! It must be because no one likes you!

  72. Anonymous7/28/2012

    How many times a day do you think dwarker reads this blog?

    1. Anonymous7/28/2012

      A lot I am sure...

  73. Anonymous7/28/2012

    Whoever wrote that Marcie and Sherry are not at the bottom of the payscale. They needed to go to college and take a licensing exam to work. They even earn more money than most teachers. Now when you talk about Maureen she started out as a school aide who only needed a 6th grade education. By the time she took the secretary exam the standards had been lowered - all you needed was write sign your name.

    Why don't you write about the secretary who smells like she stepped in poop every day and dresses like a homeless person. I see better dressed homeless people sleeping on the subways when I take the R train to work.

  74. Anonymous7/28/2012

    Rather a poop smelling secretary than evil weasels like Marcie Sherry and Maureen. Ask the tortured and psychologically battered Bonnie Grossman

    1. Anonymous7/28/2012

      Bonnie was tortured before she came to bryant. After she came as a school aide she failed the secretary exam 6 times.

      She and smelly make a good pair

    2. Anonymous7/29/2012

      What does Bonnie Grossman have to do with anything going on in the school. Who are you to speak of her? What has she done to you? The bullying on here disgusts me! Be human and stick to your own personal issues!

  75. Anonymous7/28/2012

    Listen you fat smelly garbage can you are the evil weasel. If cleanliness is next to godliness how did you become a High Priestess? Laura- you, Mimi and Bonnie can sit around and stiff each other.

    Why are you ragging on someone who doesn't even work in the school anymore? Better you concentrate on who your enemies will be in September.

  76. Anonymous7/29/2012

    How many of you so-called educated teachers with masters degrees and ph d's can't spell, write a grammatically correct sentence and read? So much for the uneducated evil weasels like Marcie and Sherry who can do all three. Forget about Maureen she can't do any of the above.

  77. Anonymous7/29/2012

    Please, people...I did not start this blog nor do I know who did, but this sort of personal divisive non work related types of attacks can not be what the person that did had in mind. Come September we are going to have a major battle with a person who has come to our building with one mission, destroy it. Anyway she can. None of this other stuff matters if you do not cut the head of the snake off. I just don't want this place to be irrelevant by the start of the year, so we lose this as a place to share information, in a professional manner, to help everyone stay informed at what is going on.

  78. Anonymous7/29/2012

    What's the matter teachers can't take criticism but you can attack secretaries especially ones that don't work in the school and WHO WAS THE ONLY ONE TO STAND UP TO THE EVIL MONSTERS IN ROOMS 133 and 125. MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE HELPED HER - BUT YOU ARE ALL SPINELESS INCLUDING SAM.


    1. Anonymous7/29/2012

      There is a difference between criticism and the types of attacks that talk about people's hair, clothing. That is not the same thing. And as even Sam would tell you, if you do not like the job that he is doing, there will be an election. Run. That is what they are for.

  79. Anonymous7/29/2012

    Just found out this blog and cab'tvbeliece what I am reading. Who started this?

    Have to agree with a lot of the statements.

    Watch what you wish for - Sam and gang wanted to get rid of Aaron - so everyone had paid the price.

    Adam had always been an ass kisser, Guy has always been an insensitive worthless person, the principal Broomhilda was groomed by Rose a Mussolini clone.

    It is amazing how far down the sewer the school has gone. Bryant has never been a school that was union active so when we needed them they didn't do much to help. Sam is so politically against Michael Mulgrew he couldn't rally the staff - he busy rallying around his Mayday pole -.yes folks he's a pinko.

    If you ask any of the UFT chapters other than teachers they will all agree he didn't help them.

    He ignored all claims that dc37 workers are doing UFT work - yes boys and girls he's afraid of his own shadow and sold us all out.

    Let's hear from you Sam and defend yourself - if you had emptied your mailbox more often you would have seen many letters put in their with complaints.

    Even your executive committee used to complain they arranged for coverages and you never told them you cancelled or forgot you scheduled a meeting.

  80. Anonymous7/29/2012

    Name a few people you think would be a more efficient chapter leader. Somebody who has very little fear of being excessed? Somebody who can manage all our grievances, can keep their mouth shut, and be respected by colleagues? Name them, talk to them and tell them to run for the position. I am not trying to seem challenging, I am curious as to what your opinions are.

  81. Anonymous7/29/2012

    My suggestion is look up the word efficient: forgot meetings, forgot to schedule or reschedule, never sent out newsletters keeping us informed, didn't read mail in his mailbox or notes on his timecard.
    You have got to be either Sam or Georgia no one else would say he is efficient.

    Personally I think puttting Martone back in or Tillman.

    1. Anonymous7/29/2012

      I believe that early on in September we are due for chapter elections, and I say the more people that run, the better. I will say that I am anti-Mulgrew as well, but, I am also anti-Weingarten. I am against any of the union leaders that will not take on the Emperor that runs Tweed. And for the most part, they have not. And for that leadership should be ashamed. look west folks, and see what is happening in Chicago...home of the public education hating Arne "Turnaround" Duncan...the UFT needs to get as angry and militant as they have gotten under Karen Lewis.

    2. Anonymous7/29/2012

      Although, I agree that it is important for people to express their frustrations! It is important that we at Bryant not lose focus on the chaos that the snake and her idiotic followers have ensued on the everyone!!!! Let's be careful because however stupid she is regarding anything school related......she is quite skill at spinning all these comments that have been made regarding other people to claim how Bryant has much bigger problems then her!!!! Ladies and Gentlemen.....let's let her know that she is the biggest problem that Bryant High School has encountered and years!!!! Let her know that we will not stand for her nonsense any longer!!!!!!

    3. Anonymous7/29/2012

      Well put.

    4. Anonymous7/29/2012

      Don't lose sight that those that were forced to leave by going to other schools, going on leave, retiring should be invited back to speak. Their rights were violated. Has anyone contacted the ny post to give the Bryant story? No because you are still afraid. Has anyone contacted OSI
      No because you are afraid. Spineless you can dish it out but when it comes to coming out you you d on't have the guts

    5. Anonymous7/30/2012

      Many agencies have been contacted but there are other things occuring!!!!

    6. Anonymous7/31/2012

      This is Georgia yes I did, not the4 Post but all other papers and media i could think of, and not anomymously.

  82. Anonymous7/30/2012

    What other things don't you think we should know? Again left out in the cold

  83. Anonymous7/30/2012

    Well, there were more than one harassment investigations, they were given evidence of phony grades and credits given out, investigations of financial misuse, but no one knows how or why they have turned out the way they did, but there were calls made.

  84. Anonymous7/30/2012

    Satan's mistress has the same people protecting her as her former fiancé. Nothing will help except you going to the press. Contact Yoav Gonen at the NY Post he will listen. You can also bypass the DOE Office of Special Investigations and go to Richard Condens office which is independent from the DOE.

    Maybe a committee can be formed to get the ball rolling. People who left took this route but no one wanted to give their name. You can't hide behind someone else's skirt. Stop being woosses you have nothing left to use. ALL YOU PEOPLE DO IS COMPLAIN PUT UP OR SHUT UP.

  85. Anonymous7/30/2012

    Oh, I am (as are most people) aware of her guardian angels (i.e. Rose DePinto, Bernadette Kriftcher, others) and those of us who complained in the first place are still trying, believe me.

  86. Anonymous7/30/2012

    Georgia Lignou would make a great union rep. Or Chanelle Tillman. Sam needs to let go of his own personal agenda and step down. He's not responsible. Never checks emails, his mailbox in the main office iis stuffed and papers are overflowing, he is not efficient at keeping track of his own schedule. He is a representation of why we look bad as teachers. The sheep in our school are so scared of change that they just blindly follow what others tell them to do.

  87. Anonymous7/30/2012

    Here here! Someone out there is listening. Bryant is the state it is because Sam had his agenda - that is to follow his friend Joe from Jamaica HS also a radical union rep and you see where Jamaica landed up.

    Time to have a hostile takeover .

  88. Anonymous7/30/2012

    When you say misappropriation of funds is that why Juan was supposed to be the APO in 2011? Guy was in cahoots with McFarland that was why she was being moved upstairs but was quickly put back in the basement when Guy went back into 125. Guy and Chris threw a physical Ed teacher under a bus with falsifying prep periods. THESE CLOWNS HAVE NO MORALS.

    1. Anonymous7/30/2012

      That was part of it. There were other things, like the spending on all of those "Intervention" books that we got in December. 30k for books no one wanted, asked for, or knew what to do with. Not to mention the person who came to "speak" to us. And what does radical mean? I agree we as a chapter need to be more aggressive, but as for the NY Post that would stun me. I can only remember about two articles in the last five years that were anti-DOE and did not bash teachers.

  89. Anonymous7/30/2012

    The administration at Bryant has been giving false promises and lies all year.We have to fight it and put the pressure on dwarker or she'll eat us alive in sept.NY POST might be our answer to start this retaliation.

  90. Anonymous7/30/2012

    Mr.Gonen is the way to go believe me-I went to him b

    But one person isn't enough - you need morr

  91. Anonymous7/30/2012

    That's fine. Someone has to organize this so we can go to the post with it.I'm sure people will be willing to spill the beans especially if it's a big group.Lets get this show on the road.

  92. Anonymous7/30/2012

    I tried to organize but no takers. I'd organize but don't want give my name to you. Been stabbed in the back already.

    1. Anonymous7/30/2012

      That's the difference between Bryant and other schools in another school over 200 staff members testified against a raging maniac. Bryant staff talk but no action.

    2. Anonymous7/30/2012

      Run in September.

  93. Anonymous7/30/2012

    Bryant is a bunch of softies.Grow up people and stand for what's right and protect yourselves.What is she going to do bite your head off?She basically does that now through harassment.It can't get any worse people.


    1. Anonymous7/30/2012

      To Stay Gold - you must be the she-devil. You keep defending the wicked witch.


    2. Anonymous7/31/2012

      Stay Gold - You obviously haven't been on the receiving end of her wrath. It can get worse and it will if you sit back and take it.

  94. Anonymous7/31/2012

    This is Georgia Lignou. Earlier I wrote and asked why we keep this anonymous. Now I see it is because anonimity allows many of us to behave as cowardly as we have been for the last seventeen years I have been in the school. For me this is the last time I visit this blog because I can not participate in personal attacks of the worse kind. Whoever suggested that I be the chapter leader, thank you for the vote of confidence but I do not know if I would have been a good one because it takes a lot of work and courage. Sam has done his best, but he really had no support. How can the union have any leverage when they call us for support and we are not there. I wonder, where were these brave souls of the blog all this time especially the last couple of years that we are fighting to keep the school open? We have a struggle ahead of us that is beyond Bryant and to win anything above all we need integrity. We have to speak up against ibjustice with courage but be fair and above all remember that our responsibility is to the students and to the parents who trust us with their children. We have to stay united, but some of what I see in this blog is not what I will unite with. Anyway we will see in September. Have a good summer, what is left of it and Jeff I will miss you.

  95. Anonymous7/31/2012

    Right on, georgia!

  96. Anonymous7/31/2012

    Do us a favor Georgia and get off your high horse. Instead of blaming the sheep of Bryant use your time and energy to actually make a difference for your coworkers instead of picking the trash cans of the school. She calls us cowards but just admitted that she lacks courage to be union rep. Hypocrite my name is Georgia.

  97. Anonymous8/01/2012

    You're right Georgia should get off her high horse and make a difference for her colleagues. Maybe by getting on here and bashing some secretaries and their children. That'll make the difference right? Because it's about the sum total Bryant's staff has done. Dwarka is insane and evil and this blog could've been a document to that insanity. Instead you've given her all the ammo she needs to defeat the staff in the fall. A more divided school, a place to point if ever our grievances are heard ( you know she'll say "of course they hate me. They hate each other just loom at this blog" ) and a whole arsenal of personal vendettas to use that have been aired here. All of you bullying and bashing on this blog grow up and face the fact that your immediate enemy is the principal, not the secretaries, their children, or your colleagues.

  98. Anonymous8/01/2012

    I agree...been saying this all along, we have to stick together, which is why I have commented against the personal attacks. If the complaint is legit (and by that I mean non personal), stop commenting on people's hair and other grooming habits. Georgia puts a lot of time and energy into the school and she does speak up, whether or not it gets listened to all the time is another story, but she does put her money where her mouth is. She goes to all of he rallies and meetings, and speaks up in the building. The person who sleeps with her boss then fights about it in the hallways and then breaks up other couples is the person we need to fight against. Right now it is the first of August, people need to get ready.

    1. Anonymous8/01/2012

      While you are at STOP PICKING ON PEOPLE WHO TRANSFERRED OR RETIRED. You are all jealous they got out and you are sinking in quick sand.

  99. Anonymous8/01/2012

    Who's sleeping with Troianos? Is it true Tara pushed hard to keep McDonald? He was brought here on false pretenses being Kincaid's son in law.

  100. Anonymous8/01/2012

    Why is this an issue? Either one? And being someone's son in law is false pretenses? Everyone knew, it was not a secret. If he is a good teacher, what difference does it make. I have never heard one way or another from the kids that he was or wasn't, so...that is the only thing that matters.

  101. Anonymous8/01/2012

    The issue is that when he first came in Jim was still his a.p. that is the conflict bozo.

    I'm sure this Tara does everyone know that when your hubby went work on L.I. they told him to get lost and is working in Jamaica HS?

    Tara one day the principal will catch you doing cartwheels in the halls.

    REALLY PROFESSIONL you fit right in with the clowns in room 125.

    Start sharing your fangs in September.

    1. Anonymous8/01/2012

      That is sharpening your fangs.

  102. Anonymous8/01/2012

    I am aware of the fact that Jim was the AP at the time. And And secondly, it was not Tara that wrote the post. And I would appreciate it, since I did not name call, if you would not either. You are entitled to your opinion. On other things we might have had many conversations and agreed on a lot of things. I am trying to be objective.

    Schools are their own political "fiefdoms" and the sides change all the time. The difference this time, once again is the person at the top. THAT MUST BE THE FOCUS...I do not care what other people get, as long as I am not screwed in the process, and there is only one person that is trying to "screw me", and the majority of the rest of us.
