July 12, 2012

Dear so-and-so...

If you could write a letter to Dwarka, Walcott, Bloomberg or someone else, what would you say?  Who knows, they may be reading this blog more than their own email.


  1. Anonymous7/13/2012

    Dear Mayor Boomberg,

    Bryant high school is not a failing school. The failure is in your rubric for grading our public high schools, and your desire to help your private industry buddies get richer. Do we need education reform? Absolutely. But should that education reform come at the expense of our professional teaching staff and the students we serve? Absolutely not. When I told my kids I was leaving Bryant they cried. Not because I was an easy grader (because I passed only those who deserved it and even those who didn't pass were upset), but because they learned from me. They appreciated the work and time a put in to help them. They understood, what you don't, that good teaching is much more than helping a kid get a good test grade or graduate on time. I've helped five and six year attendee graduate. You tell us, in your policies, that they don't matter, but they disagree. They've thanked me, they've kept in touch, and at times where I felt so demoralized I wanted to cry, curl up into a ball, and quit teaching all together, they comforted me. Because they saw what you don't: teaching is not a data driven numbers game; it's a living, breathing, interpersonal thing that makes us educators strive to reach out to and help, even those the data game has deemed useless. Your fixation on subgroups is nothing more than institutional racisim, and your ideology that to fix the educational issues is to focus on 4 year graduates and getting black and Hispanic kids to pass tests is a criminal policy that makes it impossible for us teachers to do what we signed on for: to help all of our students succeed, no matter what success means to them. Despite the fact that I've been an AP teacher at Bryant, with wonderful results on the AP exam and the regents, those aren't my real victories. Instead, I look at the "screw ups" who needed help getting things together, at the inclusion kids who tried so hard and only made it after years of toiling, at the kids who never graduated but also never gave in to drugs, or anorexia, or other teen issues your precious data doesn't take into account. When these kids email me to let me know they're getting their GED, enrolling in college, becoming a teacher because i showed them the importance of education, despite what they could or couldn't do in high school, that is my real reward: servicing the kids your data leaves behind because it's too hard or inconvenient to classify what we do outside of numbers.

    1. Anonymous12/22/2012

      We still have the best staff, but the Tweed and our peincipal are pushing us down and out as hard as they can, it is called discrimination against teachers and assistant principals who always did their best and still are doing their best.

    2. Anonymous1/17/2013

      Tweed has no clue of what they are doing, sending leadership principals to destroy schools like Ms. Dwarka of W.C. Bryant High School, rating veteran teachers u who are satisfactory while using the Danielson Model to rate the teachers when the UFT has not agreed to this model.

    3. Anonymous1/20/2013

      It´s ashame how she used so mant assistant principals to rate good veteran teachers unsatisfactory, and then these asisitant principals got pushed out themselves. It is all pure corruption.

    4. Anonymous4/11/2013

      We have a failing principal.

  2. Anonymous7/13/2012

    WOW! I am not sure that I could write anything better than that. I only know that you could hand this to any of those people listed above, let them read it and wait for a from the heart response. You would be waiting A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time.

  3. Anonymous7/14/2012

    They won't read it because they are not interested in hearing from us. If they were interested in what we thought we would be part of the change process and clearly professional educators with integrity are not a desired component in the NYC school system. Too bad, our kids need positive role models and these politicians discourage and take away some of the only positive people in their lives.

  4. Anonymous9/20/2012


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous12/14/2012

    I will tell her to srop discrminating veteran teachers and stop chasing out people. Most of us if we had a choice we will leave tomorrow. Mr. Montalvo is Darka' s latest victim, what a shame!

  7. Anonymous12/19/2012

    Their crime growing old and working hard in a system that discriminates you instead of rewarding you for loyalty and hard work. That is the reality we are losing and have lost many good people because they maybe at times too outspoken for an administration that was to control everything. Too much power in only one person is never good. Those of you who got rehired, please do not let the new administration manipulate or intimidate you. Stand for yourself or forever be part of the silent majority. Good luck to all of you!

  8. Anonymous12/19/2012

    Unsatisfactory lesson ratings should not be preplanned, assistant principals should not be forced to rate a certain quota of teachers unsatisfactory or they may be in trouble themselves. Welcome to the new Bryant High School, but the old one was much better. Students who do not deserved to be passed should not be passed, and veteran teachers who do not deserve unsatisfactory ratings should not be rated unsatisfactory. The old Bryant was more supportive and more professional.

  9. Anonymous12/19/2012

    What is the track record of the Leadership Academy principals? How have these principals trained in the methods of CEOs a la Jack Welch have led their schools to greatness? Why is everyone ignoring the miserable failure of this Leadership Academy? I suppose it is easier to blame federal regulations, bad teachers and budget cuts. Should someone ask Jack Welsh what he thinks about the Principals who have supposedly been trained in his ways. I guess maybe running a huge diverse school system is a bit harder than running General Electric.

  10. Anonymous12/19/2012

    Across the United States, veteran educators are facing a growing problem of age discrimination.

    Last year, Tempe Elementary School District No. 3 in Tucson, Arizona, discriminated against employees on the basis of age when it applied an early retirement incentive plan which granted greater economic benefits to younger employees based upon their age.

    In North Carolina, a public school teacher was denied a promotion to assistant principal because of her age. She eventually won a $25,000 settlement after a lawsuit was filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

    In 2009, EEOC filed an amicus brief in a case from Oklahoma City, successfully arguing that the trial court was wrong to dismiss a discrimination lawsuit by an older educator who had been demoted because of her age.

    The National Education Association denounces blatant age discrimination as more and more veteran educators are targeted for dismissal by school superintendents and administrators. In many cases, school officials use the guise of “improvement plans” to harass veteran educators without taking into account the countless contributions they have made to public education.

    Educators who have been discriminated against because of their age can find solace and legal protection in the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), which protects teachers age 40 and over against age discrimination. Under this act, age may not be the sole factor when a school district terminates the employment of a teacher. If a teacher charges a school district with age discrimination, the school district has the burden to show that some factor other than age influenced its decision.

    This law, administered by EEOC, helps to protect this group of educators who either apply for a position or are already employed. In accordance with ADEA, it is unlawful to discriminate against a person because of his/her age with respect to any term, condition, or privilege of employment. This includes, but is not limited to, hiring, firing, promotion, layoff, compensation, benefits, job assignments and training. The Older Workers Benefit Protections Act amended several sections of the ADEA.

    In Tucson, a lawsuit by EEOC against Tempe Elementary School District alleges that the school district maintained an early retirement incentive plan that was unlawful. Specifically, the EEOC charges that the school district’s plan is discriminatory because it grants more favorable benefits to younger employees based on their age. Under the school district’s retirement plan, employees are reimbursed for accumulated leave based on their age at retirement, with those retiring at a younger age being treated more favorably than those who retire after age 60.

    “Early retirement incentive plans which discriminate on their face based upon age are illegal and need to be changed,” said EEOC Regional Attorney Mary Jo O’Neill. “People in their ‘60s should not be penalized merely because they want to continue working.”

  11. Anonymous12/19/2012

    Are Principals Practicing Age Discrimination When Hiring ATRs For Their Vacancies? According To Me They Are

    I have previously written on how principals are either hiding their vacancies or are selectively interviewing the youngest and cheapest of the ATRs when they cannot hide their vacancies. Of course if you ask the union or the DOE, they will claim that no such age discrimination is occurring. However, very few, if any older ATRs are getting any interviews. Now I read an article in Educationnext that showed that in Chicago, the younger principals do not like to hire older teachers and since many of the new generation of principals are younger and come from the infamous "Leadership Academy", they rather not have older teachers on their staff. In the article by Brian A. Jacob, a professor of education policy and economics at the University of Michigan, wrote the following:

    Finally, I find evidence that younger principals are more likely to dismiss older teachers than they are to dismiss younger teachers. There are no obvious explanations for this pattern, although one might speculate that younger principals may value different characteristics in a teacher than older principals. Regardless, this pattern does seem to warrant further exploration.

    While I am sure both the union and the DOE have statistics that can support my claim, I don't expect them to publish them as not to embarrass each other. The DOE for allowing principals to practice age discrimination and the union for turning a blind eye to the practice. However, there is anecdotal evidence to support my claim. I have spoken to many ATRs and a few Chapter Leaders who have told me that the principals were looking for younger and cheaper teachers to fill their vacancies. Part of the reason is their tight budgets but it is increasingly obvious to even the casual observer that the more senior ATRs are not even given interviews. Other principals are hiding their vacancies in the vain hope that the hiring freeze is rescinded at the end of August or that they can gain an exception as some principals were able to do in the last two years when Joel Klein was the Chancellor. Of course, many principals will simply let the "Children First Network" assign an ATR to them and let them fill the vacancy without taking on their salaries. Whatever the reason, the senior ATRs are not being selected to interview for the fewvacancies listed.

    The only way that the DOE can save the $43 million dollars that they promised Bloomberg is to make sure every vacancy is listed and that the ATRs fill them. I am not holding my breath waiting for that to happen anytime soon.

  12. Anonymous12/19/2012

    I taught math at Bryant for 16 years and am recently retired. I have gotten reports from the math teachers about what is happening in the math department. There is no question that senior teachers are being targeted by the principal for U ratings at the end of the year so that they can be replaced in the turnaround as being not-qualified. These are teachers who have never received U ratings and have outstanding credentials and outstanding achievements with the students that they have taught. After 10 or 15 or 20 years of being rated as satisfactory teachers they are suddenly being rated by the same assistant principal of mathematics Sonia Buzwatiuk as being unsatisfactory? Please believe one thing: what we have here is the verdict first and then the trial. The principal told Buzwatiuk who she wants out, and this woman goes about it by writing mindless observation reports to do the prrincipal's dirty work. Now Ms. Buszwatiuk also got sacrificed. and this is coming to all of you in one way or another.

  13. Anonymous12/19/2012

    Age Discrimination

    Federal and state laws prohibit job discrimination based on someone’s age. This means an employer cannot fire, demote, transfer, deny benefits or opportunities, or otherwise take any adverse action based on an older employee’s age.

    The federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) protects workers 40 and older from age discrimination on the job. It is also unlawful to retaliate against anyone who opposes employment practices that discriminate based on age or who files a lawsuit under the ADEA. New York state law prohibits age discrimination under the New York Human Rights Law.

    Despite these strong protections against age discrimination, New York employers continue to violate the law. In fact, New York age discrimination cases are known to produce some of the highest verdicts and settlements.

    Have you been discriminated against because of your age? Job discrimination based on age can be subtle. We can help you assess your legal rights. Please call The Ottinger Firm at 888-449-5390 or contact us using our online form to schedule a free initial consultation.

    The many guises of age discrimination

    Employers who want a younger workforce resort to a variety of tactics in discriminating against older workers, typically those 40 or older. Here are some of the more common age bias scenarios:
    You didn’t get hired because the employer wanted a younger-looking person to do the job;
    You received a negative job evaluation because you weren’t “flexible” in taking on new projects;
    You were fired because your boss wanted to keep younger workers who are paid less;
    You were turned down for a promotion, which went to someone younger hired from outside the company because the boss says the company “needs new blood”;
    As part of company layoffs, most of the employees laid off were older, and younger workers with less seniority and less on-the-job experience were retained;
    Before you were fired, your supervisor made age-related remarks that you were “over-the-hill,” or “ancient.”

    If you have experienced any of these or similar situations, you may have suffered age discrimination. Depending on your situation, you may be entitled to past and future lost wages and benefits, as well as emotional distress and punitive damages.

    Turn to experienced counsel for assistance

    Contact The Ottinger Firm today to discuss your legal rights by calling 888-449-5390 or using our online form. Find out if your rights were violated on account of your age. Our experienced attorneys have handled many of age discrimination over the years involving employers in New York and northern New Jersey, and we can determine if you have a case. We handle cases on a contingent fee basis, which means we don’t get paid until you receive a jury award or settlement.

  14. Anonymous12/19/2012

    Most of these schools are being attacked because they have a lot of veteran teachers, the turnaround model isdesigned to flush out veteran teachers and replace them with younger teachers. But some of you you still do not get it...phychological warfare to demoralize us and to divide us.

  15. Anonymous12/19/2012

    This leadership principal will force teachers to change grades, harassed assistant principals to change ratings on observations. go after good veteran experienced teachers and come up with fraudulent recovery credit programs just to impress Tweed. This will eventually come up on the press soon.

  16. Anonymous12/20/2012

    The NYC-DOE is one of the only organizations that is so shamelessly reckless that the would empower a brainless, evil, unprofessional as well as proven incompetent idiot like "Namita Dwarka" Children are ultimately being hurt in the process!!!!

    1. Anonymous1/20/2013

      It´s ashame how she used so mant assistant principals to rate good veteran teachers unsatisfactory, and then these asisitant principals got pushed out themselves. It is all pure corruption.

  17. Anonymous12/20/2012

    She is making everything worse, and the blame should be directed to her only.

    1. Anonymous2/25/2013

      We have cordinators that have not been voted by an SBO, and acting like assistant principals.

  18. Anonymous12/20/2012

    The Danielson Model is used in Bryant High School as an excuse to push out veteran teachers by rating them unsatisfactory,the Union has not agreed to this system of evaluation. Nine teachers got rated unsatisfactory last year, all of them over 40 years old. Just after Bloomberg announced that they will closing the school, what a coincedence? It is called age discriminination, that simple! How many assistant principals left or were forced out by complying with the principal?

  19. Anonymous12/20/2012

    Only one Assistant Principal complied with the she-devil!!! It is never ok to sell your soul to the devil which is why most of them didn't do it!!! Although there are two incompetent idiots that are still sitting there with her doing her work!!!!

    1. Anonymous12/22/2012

      Not entirely true, amd most were forced to do cartain things and treated badly but they need to speak up know.

    2. Anonymous12/23/2012

      More than one, if they would have taken a stand things would have been much better now.

  20. Anonymous12/21/2012

    All of you the staff in Bryant High School deserve a medal to put up with an administration that has no clue where to take the school. The only thing they know is to make evrybody angry, and to push everybody out.

  21. Ethel Merman12/21/2012

    "Long Island City had a school we used to call our home, then Bloomberg came and wrecked the place and now we cry and moan. Our students are so miserable, as are the teachers too, so send up all a wailing cry for our once dear Gold and Blue! Cry for the Gold and Blue, our glory days are history. Bryant has been destroyed, the reason why's a mystery. BOO HOO HOO! Bryant, thy Gold and Blue, thy sons and daughters e'er will mourn, and this sad song you'll hear both far and near 'cause we're all so blue!"

  22. Ethel Merman12/21/2012

    I'd like to dedicate the new version of the school song to Mike Bloomberg, Namita Dwarka, and all those who've made their reign of terror possible.

    Fondly (from the great beyond),

  23. Anonymous12/21/2012

    I have no sympathy whatsoever for Sonia B. She has THIRTY YEARS in the system. She could have told Namita to go fly a kite and refused to give U ratings and there's absolutely nothing anyone could have done to hurt her! Except, of course, making her an ATR assistant principal which has happened anyway.

    1. Anonymous12/22/2012

      Things are not that easy, even she confessed privately that the system is corrupted from top to bottom.

    2. Anonymous1/17/2013

      Tweed has no clue of what they are doing, sending leadership principals to destroy schools like Ms. Dwarka of W.C. Bryant High School, rating veteran teachers u who are satisfactory while using the Danielson Model to rate the teachers when the UFT has not agreed to this model.

    3. Anonymous1/20/2013

      It´s ashame how she used so mant assistant principals to rate good veteran teachers unsatisfactory, and then these asisitant principals got pushed out themselves. It is all pure corruption.

  24. Anonymous12/21/2012

    Tweed has no clue of what they are doing, sending leadership principals to destroy schools like Ms. Dwarka of W.C. Bryant High School, rating veteran teachers u who are satisfactory, while using the Danielson Model to rate the teachers when the UFT has not agreed to this model. Forcing good assistant principals out the door, this is outrageous.

  25. Anonymous12/22/2012

    The UFT acts one way in front of their members, and in another way behind doors. Our chapter leader cannot do anything unless he gets support from the leadership itself, and we know how the union leadership is vey weakened.

  26. Anonymous12/22/2012

    "When our educational leaders ignore input from the classroom teachers, the programs they push are destined to fail".

  27. Anonymous12/22/2012

    We need your input about grade changes, falsifying data, and falsifying observations by lying about what she saw in people's classrooms, like claiming rubrics weren't used when they were, so she could fire this person she saw as a threat to her regime or the way some of you have been harassed. We need proof that your AP was ordered by Ms. Dwarka that you were rated unsatisfactory even though it was a good lesson.

  28. Anonymous12/23/2012

    Leadership Principals like Ms. Dwarka is engaging in tactics of age discrimination because that is what Tweed wants, she was ordering the assistant principals to rate teachers over 40 years old unsatisfactory. How else can you explain that these teachers never got rated unsatisfactory before and most of these assistant principals that were rating them were forced out? During 2012 nine assistant principals have left W.C. Bryant High School. How can our Union negotiate with Tweed? When these teachers were making 30000 dollars they were satisfactory teachers, now that they are make more sll of the sudden and overnight they became unsatisfactory teachers.

  29. Anonymous12/24/2012

    I will tell Mr. Bloomberg to value his veteran employees, and to put real leaders in charge of schools. Leadership principals that keep pushing out veteran teachers and good experienced assistant principals is not the solution.

  30. Anonymous12/28/2012

    If you have access to Bloomberg, you have to tell him much more. This education reform resembles a conversion to a cult, and it is killing the spirit of the classroom. Schools are treated like McDonald's and the students are bore to death doing the same exact thing from class to class. Teachers are afraid to teach and develop their individual styles because the rating is done on technicalities and not on substance. English teachers are afraid to teach literature and math teachers have to teach writing. Teachers are afraid to explain anything because students are supposed to discover the knowledge and teach each other. Administrators want rigour but they also pressure teachers for high passing rates. They want differentiation and no inclusion, and of course they want fun lessons. We have to navigate though useless data and produce useless paperwork, the only purpose of which is for supervisors to cover their backs. Countless amounts spend on useless software, data analysis, advisers and much more. Retired principals are double deeping into public funds working for publicly funded consulting companies, not to mention the charter schools that have free range and can make their own rules. Yes, if you have access to Bloomberg you have to tell him much more but most importantly tell him if he wants to reform schools to include people who actually WORK THERE in the process.

  31. Anonymous12/30/2012

    Unfortunately we have to endure this criminal treatment of teachers and students until Bloomberg leaves office. Nothing will change in the meantime. The only thing we can really do is campaign for any candidate that is teacher-friendly. And maybe for the end of mayoral control of the DOE.

  32. Anonymous12/31/2012

    People this is not about Age-Discrimination this is about have placed someone in a leadership role that had been there before and has an extensive track record of incompetence, unprofessionalism and inappropriateness!!! There is a conflict of interest as she has personal vendettas with people and that just demonstrates her psychosis as some of these people she didn't even know! She truly has deep seeded mental health issues and needs professional help. An important note is that all the people that help to put her there knowing that she had no business in a leadership role are actually more criminal then she is!!! One doesn't allow the insane to run the asylum and unfortunately that is what has occurred at Bryant HS!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous1/03/2013

      Higher salaries come with age. Everybosy that is being pushed out or rated u are all over 40.

  33. Anonymous1/02/2013

    Ms. Dwarka,

    Is it possible that you're suffering from lack of sex?

    1. Anonymous1/02/2013

      The thought of anyone being with her is repulsive!

    2. Anonymous1/03/2013

      Someone needs to make a sacrifice and relieve her tension for the good of the school. Maybe a lottery would work- the male teacher who loses would have to sleep with her.

    3. Anonymous1/15/2013

      I think Wally should jump Dwarka's bones. HA HA HA HA HA He used to bone Larraine Pacheco on her desk in the Principal's Office. But he used to have teeth back in the 80's. Nahhh Dwarka won't mind. HAaaaaaaHaa

    4. Anonymous1/15/2013

      Hasn't Henry been sleeping with her since last year?

    5. Anonymous2/05/2013


    6. Anonymous2/05/2013

      What I'd like to do is get her very aroused and then walk out and leave her.

    7. Anonymous2/11/2013


    8. Anonymous3/09/2013

      Personal attacks against people are not right, that is why she has been able to push a lot of good professionals out. You have to focus on teaching and at the same time on the real problem.

  34. Anonymous1/02/2013

    I am furious. We just got an e-mail that we should not review with our students for the midterm exams. They give us the usual mandra, let the students bring the questions and review the last ten minutes of the lesson. Do these administrators know the level of the students we work with? Our students do not know what to ask because they do not know what they do not know. Why don't these useless administrators stay in their offices to deal with their useless paperwork and let us teach? LET US TEACH.These e-mails are only to cover their back for when the Ursoulas of DOE come to our classes and they catch us on review. I can not believe the level of cowardish and insanity. Teachers,ignore them. Do what you think is best for your students. Our responsibility is to them. Take a risk, TEACH.

  35. Anonymous1/04/2013

    A Budd Lake lawyer has won a $509,000 award for a former Jefferson teacher who claimed she was forced out of her job because of her age.

    A Morris County Jury found on Friday, Jan. 6, that Jeanne O’Neill, now 63, of Sparta, was a victim of age discrimination and a hostile work environment. The jury awarded O’Neill $300,000 for emotional distress, $130,000 in back pay and $79,000 in lost wages and benefits.

    She was represented by attorney Robert A. Scirocco.

    “I thought it was an appropriate amount,” Scirocco said. “She was a phenomenal teacher but the whole experience was very bitter for her. She truly loved her job.”

    O’Neill taught chemistry in the district for 22 years, most recently leading advance placement chemistry classes. Scirocco said O’Neill’s students consistently scored higher than the national average for advance placement chemistry and that the teacher had never received a bad review.

    But that all changed three years ago.

    Retirement Plans

    O’Neill had told the district she planned to retire from her $81,000 a year post at the age of 60 at the end of the 2007-08 school year.

    But her husband became very ill and had to quit his job. As the now, sole bread winner, O’Neill decided she had to continue working.

    After she notified the Jefferson Board of Education of her new plans in January 2008, she allegedly became the target of the administration’s attacks upon her.

    The district set up a “corrective action plan” in which they would come into her classroom on a regular basis and criticize her way of teaching, telling her that her methods were antiquated and too traditional, and that she was dramatically regressing within the period of January to May, Scirocco said.

    “She told them she finally had enough and would resign at the end of the year, even though she needed to continue to work for the salary and benefits,” Scirocco said.

    O’Neill retired in June 2008 and her husband died last year.

    During the week-long trial, a former student who recently obtained a doctorate degree in chemistry testified that O’Neill was the best teacher she ever had, Scirocco said.

    The district superintendent, principal, curriculum director and chemistry supervisor, all involved in the classroom observations and corrective action plan, all testified for the district.

    “They said all their observations and criticisms were legitimate and valid,” Scirocco said.

    Scirocco said the case took three years to bring to trial and involved thousands of pages of documents, numerous depositions and review of various records, including assessments of colleagues and of O’Brien.

  36. Anonymous1/06/2013

    All of the people that sold their souls to the devil in effort to obtain an Assistant Principal position, you pay an extremely high price and the in end you will no obtain what you want!!!! Don't you get it the devil doesn't play fair!!!!!! I can't wait until hear about the heartache and the tears......for it's what you all deserve!!!!!

  37. Anonymous1/10/2013

    I am still waiting for a class action lawsuit on age discrimination and /or at least a grievance en mass filed by the UFT on behalf of its members. Is there are "correlation" between U-rated teachers and age? Let's form our own stats: Let's call it the "Dinosaur Group" and see what comes up. When a school is failing its because the "dinasours" are earning too much. But its' okay for a principal to be a"dinasour" and earn a high salary. It's okay that he/she can retire on his her own timetable. For the record: Any teacher that has 10 years or more they want you out! The new "seniority" is 5 years. And the new teachers won't be there long enough to get tenure, they will leave before it. They don't want you to be there long enough to collect a pension or health benefits. In other words "Bloomberg and Baldie" want you to work for free.

  38. Anonymous1/11/2013


  39. Anonymous1/20/2013

    It´s ashame how she used so mant assistant principals to rate good veteran teachers unsatisfactory, and then these asisitant principals got pushed out themselves. It is all pure corruption.

  40. Anonymous1/21/2013

    Although most Assistant Principal's were told to give the staff member U rating only one did!!!! It's ridiculous that you idiots continue to divert your attention to the none important details!!!! Focus on the important like the idiotic she devil herself!!! How come no one notices that the only two original Assistant Principals left are the incompetent and inappropriate ones!!!! In that lies the corruption as well as tweed having empowered the most incompetent, unprofessional, inappropriate, moronic she dev…

    1. Anonymous1/24/2013

      There were unsatisfactory ratings in 4 or 5 departments. The ESL AP left in the middle of the year, and the Science AP opposed the principal.

  41. Anonymous1/23/2013

    Jay Lashinsky is it true you are going to Kleinfelds to buy your wedding ensemble for your wedding to your long time live in boyfriend?

    Also heard that Tara, Carmen and Luke are your bridesmaids.

    1. Anonymous3/02/2013


    2. Anonymous3/09/2013

      Personal attacks against people are not right, that is why she has been able to push a lot of good professionals out.

  42. Anonymous1/24/2013

    Who's placing bets on April's divorce #3?

    1. Anonymous3/09/2013

      That is wrong, and should not be the focus,

  43. Anonymous1/25/2013

    Have ya'll seen Tara running around all week securing her position as head puppet in charge? God she looks manlier than Pelly from behind. Wonder how her chia pet hubby is doing as an AP of a failing school.

  44. Anonymous1/27/2013

    Every time that I think you have no more poison to spit, you surprise me. You make Dwarka look better and better. I hope she succeeds in cleaning the place from the snakes and the other reptiles.

  45. Anonymous1/29/2013

    I really believe she wants to destroy careers and that is it, even the students are realizing that she wants to bring the school down.

    1. Anonymous3/14/2013

      The turaround model consists putting leadership principals in charge to destroy the morale and damage phychologically veteran teachers wiyj the blessing of our Union, so they feel so miserable that they eventually get pushed out or leave. one of the great ideas of our Educational Leaders. In Korea and Finland maybe they should copy our model, but wait a minute I think they are smarter than our Educational Leaders.

  46. Anonymous1/30/2013

    I can't fathom how Cunt Dwarka sat through that presentation wih a straight face! What a surprise horse face Bardatsis is now giving presentations after 15 years. Wonder what her pillow talk with Yak is like? Honey please wear those stiletto heels and tight pants tomorrow it turns me on.

  47. Anonymous2/10/2013

    It's pathetically sad that even though Dwarka - the she-devil is one of the dumpest people on the planet she was still smart enough to know exactly the lacking self-esteem and pathetic individuals to select for those ridiculous coordinator positions!!!!! Only real self-loathing people would due a job with no extra pay, no real title and no real authority!!!!! Enjoy yourself idiots because there is a hiring freeze on hiring new AP's so if those were your aspirations......too bad......it's not going to happen!!!!!!! Your all mentally challenged!!!!

  48. Anonymous2/10/2013

    What you pathetic idiots failed to realize is that she and her clones are not respected by anyone because everyone knows that she and they are incompetent, inappropriate and unprofessional so who is going to give you a recommendation to a another position???? Don't look to your former supervisors because they will not recommend someone that has no integrity!!!! Disgusting.......I hope you are all proud of yourself for being participants in the destruction of children's lives!!!!!

  49. Anonymous2/10/2013

    How right you are! Example, English. After exterminating Maria Toskos why would she assign the department to a clueless AP (who has a monumental job of ISS already ) instead of Allysoun Roach, a master teacher with two decades of experience? Because she can't control or bully Allysoun. She would rather have Troianos, Skordas, Papoutsis, or Westbrook who pee in their pants when she barks and howls like a hyena and will compromise their principles and willingly help her innthe destruction of children's lives and teachers' careers. No one with integrity and self-respect would cooperate with Dwarka. Soon, the chickens will come home to roost. And all these puppets will be in a lot of trouble.

    1. Anonymous2/25/2013

      We have cordinators that have not been voted by an SBO, and acting like assistant principals.

  50. Anonymous2/10/2013

    Don't forget Frankson, Rotondi and Morales!!!!! Pathetic Fools.........all of them!!!!!

    1. Anonymous2/16/2013

      Poor Rotndi. That meathead doesn't know whether he's coming or going. And Frankson and Morales have no clue how to speak English.

    2. Anonymous2/16/2013

      That's because meathead Rotondi really thought he was somebody for a second.........Think again sweetie...........Dont let anyone fool you.........your nobody today, yesterday and always!!!!! Your glory days have been over for a longtime now!!!!!

    3. Anonymous2/16/2013

      As for Frankson what can be said.........by looking at her everyone knows what her issues are!!!!!! Sad to see a grown woman not comfortable in her own skin!!!!!!

    4. Anonymous2/16/2013

      Morales it's sad to see all that you have been willing to do for an Assistant Principal's position..........too bad for you that the Assistant Principal's are coming back so everyone prepare themselves!!!!!!!

    5. Anonymous2/16/2013

      Rotondi you know how you have alway been insecure with what people think about you..........now everyone know that you are worthless because you showed them that!!!!!!

    6. Anonymous2/16/2013

      Rotondi = LOSER!!!!!

  51. Anonymous2/10/2013

    She is threaten by anyone who has a brain that they are not afraid to use!!!!! It's sad but I guess if I was as dumb as she is I would probably feel the same way!!!! Lucky for most of the rest of us that is not our reality!!!!!

  52. Anonymous2/17/2013

    This principal has violated the Age Discrimination in Employment Act– on behalf of its members over 40 years of age, who have been harmed by the DOE's discriminatory use of the disciplinary system, through the issuance of Unsatisfactory annual performance ratings to such teachers, as well as the DOE's discriminatory pattern and practice of coercing, threatening, and harassing teachers over 40 years of age to “encourage” those teachers to leave their assigned schools under the turnaround model. Also she has harassed assistant principals to rate veteran teachers unsatisfactory who did not deserve it.

  53. Anonymous2/22/2013

    We have coordinators whose positions have not been voted, and the UFT does not address the issue.

  54. Anonymous2/23/2013

    That's right. And we can thank the King of Morons Sam Lazarus. He should be attacking Dwarka everytime she tries to pull these illegal tricks. But as has been said thousands of times. He is a useless wimp and and a Benedict Arnold.

    1. Anonymous2/24/2013

      We have cordinators that have not been voted by an SBO, and acting like assistant principals.

      All illegal stuff.

    2. Anonymous2/25/2013

      Just because Sam won't do anything doesn't mean that no one else in the UFT won't! Just because those self loathing coordinators don't respect themselves enough to not work for the idiot doesn't mean that rest of you should lie down and take it!!!!

  55. Anonymous2/25/2013

    What about the New Dean who lost his temporary certification last year and quit, still has no license to teach, yet given a a full schedule to teach? Now he's a dean! The man isn't certified to legally teach children!!!! ILEGAL. UNETHICAL. IMMORAL.
    Guess what Sam Lazarus is doing about this. Ding! Ding! Ding! NOTHING.

  56. Anonymous2/25/2013

    Sam's behavior is so embarrassing that there are no words. Although no one has forced him to do his job. Also know that the UFT is a large organization and that anyone can go to dime else

    1. Anonymous2/25/2013

      We have cordinators that have not been voted by an SBO, and acting like assistant principals.

    2. Anonymous2/25/2013

      It's chaotic, she is pusing everybody out. Rating good veteran teachers unsatisfactory after so many years, pushing assistant principals out, etc...

  57. Anonymous2/28/2013

    We are breathing a sigh of relief in the Freshman SLC now that hippopotamus Pelly is no longer coordinating us. Now Rocco is in charge in other words we have no leader. Agendas, minutes, paperwork, useless dialogue so the Head Cockroach Dwarfa can claim she's not the incompetent imbecile she really is.

  58. Anonymous2/28/2013

    You are definitely correct in saying that if Rocco is in charge then you have No Leader!!!!

  59. Anonymous2/28/2013

    Anyone and everyone that follow her are just big of imbeciles as she is!!!!!

  60. Anonymous2/28/2013

    It is unbelievable to see how this principal is alienating everybody and driving this place to the ground, and what does the UFT do, nothing.

    1. Anonymous3/01/2013

      What is the UFT going to do when our own moronic fellow staff members let all her comp time positions pass during the school wide voting?!??!?!? As in politics if you don't use the power of your vote to hold people in power accountable for their actions, you deserve to be pissed on by them. Congratulations. Wah wah wah but we need a data specialist, wah wah but we need a testing coordinator, wah wah wah but we need an IEP coordinator.... Now you are crying and getting abused. You are all IDIOTS!!!!!!

    2. Anonymous4/04/2013

      They are all going to be abused because not even the UFT cares about them.

  61. Anonymous3/04/2013

    The coordinators, positions aproved by the principal without an SBO vote cannot conduct pre-obeservations, observations and post-observations. Another thing illegal they are doing in Bryant High School, and the UFT does nothing.

  62. Anonymous3/05/2013

    Correction: SAM LAZARUS won't do anything. His job is to take on battles like this so we won't suffer retaliation by Dwarka when we exercise our right to tell these vermin coordinators to take a hike. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

    1. Anonymous3/09/2013

      Personal attacks against people are not right, that is why she has been able to push a lot of good professionals out.

  63. Anonymous3/09/2013

    How do you figure genius? She's been able to get away with her sadistic acts because the lemmings and sheep of Bryant like yourself stupidly think the " high road" is the answer. You should join a convent or the priesthood sweetie. I rate you INEFFECTIVE in the brain.

  64. Anonymous3/12/2013

    Someone had an encounter with someone that attended the leadership academy with her and went on to say that she is considered to be a lowlife amongst the Guyense community!!! He was shocked that she was a principal and said that she was in utter and complete moron!!!! He said she's not fit to leader monkey to bananas....how is the community at Bryant high school allowing her to be there????

  65. Anonymous3/12/2013

    Great teachers can only be great when the school Administration supports their teaching staff not work against them as what is happening in the school I am in now.

  66. Anonymous3/13/2013

    Observations based on the rubrix of the Danielson Model should be void.

  67. Anonymous3/14/2013

    The turaround model consists putting leadership principals in charge to destroy the morale and damage phychologically veteran teachers wiyj the blessing of our Union, so they feel so miserable that they eventually get pushed out or leave. one of the great ideas of our Educational Leaders. In Korea and Finland maybe they should copy our model, but wait a minute I think they are smarter than our Educational Leaders.

  68. Anonymous3/15/2013

    It's up to you to call the UFT about these illegal coordinator positions and I don't mean Sam because he's a slithering snake that can't be trusted!!!! There are plenty of other UFT representatives that will defend you!!!! These coordinator positions are illegal folks because they aren't allow to observe you with or without the she devil....these idiots coordinators are your colleagues even if they are do ridiculously confused about that!!!! Remember what guys allow her to get away with today she only do something worse tomorrow!!!! She is truly disturbed person!!!!!

    1. Anonymous3/19/2013

      Good hard working veteran teachers are constantky rated u in good lessons, this is age discrimination. The DOE shouls be aware of it.

  69. Anonymous3/16/2013


  70. Anonymous3/20/2013

    When Howie Kwait Principal of John Bowne was fucking Dwamita Nwarka do you think she was on all fours, on top, or plain old missionary style?

  71. Anonymous3/29/2013

    Probably all of the above! I wonder if Howie worried about STDs?

  72. Anonymous3/29/2013


    I'll make a deal with you. Ease up on the teachers at Bryant and I'll give you sexual pleasure beyond your wildest dreams- far beyond anything you had with Howie. This is a serious proposal! Believe me, you'll never know what you missed if you pass up my offer.

    Your anonymous future lover

  73. Anonymous3/29/2013

    Dwarka is a bitch in heat. She would be more suited to run a whorehouse. She can teach the new prostitutes how to give HIGHLY EFFECTIVE blow jobs, rimjobs, and handjobs. She's an expert at those.

    Madam of a Brothel is the only title befitting of you!
    You trashbox!

  74. Anonymous3/30/2013

    Hmm. I might be willing to relieve her tension if she relieves the stress she's putting on all the good people at Bryant, but prostitution? I don't think I'd pay her for it!

  75. Anonymous3/31/2013

    Did everyone see that Fuck Face, Duck Flapping Lipped Dwarka on Channel One?

    1. Anonymous4/04/2013

      No by the grace of God.....I didn't

  76. Anonymous4/02/2013

    How it happened is that Bryant is full of racist people with their own agenda's that get way with being incompetent, unprofessional and inappropriate!!!!

    Bryant HS has encouraged nepatism for years....but netpatism of whom....the lazy,the most incompetent, unprofessional and inappropriate people ( Namita Dwarka, Guy Yacovone, Lisa Diaz-Rodriguez, Christopher Pelliettri and Adam Tanalski )all of which have been connect!

    How did this happen folks.......is that Bryant HS is full of racist and self centered idiot people with their own agenda's that are willing to do anything to continue to get away with doing the wrong things of course things that are in their own best interest......things that have nothing to do with the education of children. In fact it has been to the direr ament to many children that these people had been given administrative positions!

    Wasn't it the Bryant HS staff that gave that idiot a standing ovation.....an idiot that barely graduated from Bryant HS.......the women that was a horrendous student, an ineffective teacher and a bad dean!!! The same idiot that has been 6 different places in 7 years. The same person that has received 2 U ratings!!!

    She demoralizes most and then praises some in order to gain some idiot followers ( how grown people can fall for the tactics of her false praise to gain followers.. Is pathetic) not to mention the that fact is that everything else she does is in contradiction with the praise that she gave you prior.....it's called being bipolar!!

    With few exceptions most of the AP's spent a year protecting you from the biggest idiot to be named principal in the city of New York!!!!

    Yet The AP's left and all of you sat idly by and watched it happen!! You did nothing because again you are so self that some of you were glad and some of you were thinking how you could benefit from the absence of supervisors!!!! Who's benefitting now????

    The Bryant HS community is extremely selfish...the children hate her ( yet they do nothing), the parents know how horrible she is ( yet they do nothing because she caters to two parents that are on the PTA so if it doesn't involve their kid specifically they don't care.....selfish ) and staff is getting sick because if her ( yet they do nothing )..... no one can get it together long enough to get her out because of the selfishness!!! Has long as she's their everyone loses!!!

    Unfortunately, Bryant HS believes that certain people are entitled to get away with doing the wrong thing.....shame on all of you!!!

    Its so sad because Bryant HS used to be a good school full of potential for greatness....she's truly stolen all it's potential for greatness!!!

    Those who are not part of the solution are part of the problem !!

    1. Anonymous4/08/2013

      If this was written by one the Aps past, no you did not do anything to protect your teachers last year. You were very much a part of the problem.
      PS. learn how to write correctly.

  77. Anonymous4/08/2013

    Dear Brian H S people

    Me name be Dolibing Dwarka....Me is the father from your principel, me lovely daghtr iz Namita. Me no happi when I read this bloog. Me made at you. Pleaeese...you all stop sayen bad thing about me daghtr....God Blese....

  78. Anonymous4/09/2013

    Yes. Cuesta has always been part of the problem in Bryant. She thinks that she would of been a better principal and resents that fact that she got turned down. Cuesta, you need to concentrate on your new life, at your new school and move on. The resentment will only make you more angry and bitter, not good.!

  79. Anonymous4/09/2013

    Lol.....using Ms. Cuesta in order to deflect from your inadequacies....you are fooling no one... Dwarka concentrate on the fact that your a disaster and everyone that goes along with her idiocy is a bigger idiot then you!

    PS: don't worry about Ms. Cuesta because she's definitely not worried about you!

  80. Anonymous4/10/2013

    Westbrook is out, she hired him recently. None of you are safed from the nonsense she is putting everybody through.

  81. Anonymous4/11/2013

    I personally feel sorry for him. Try having no AP experience and having this pig as your "mentor"/boss. Not to mention she was trying to play every unethical illegal dirty trick in the book about ISS and pulling him down when she got caught. She is a monster and will get her walking papers any day.

  82. Anonymous4/11/2013

    Tanalski, the head of the KuKluxKlan of Whitetrashia, Long Island didn't like how black and homosexual he was so he chirped in her ear every day until she turned on Westbrook.

    We can't punch our time cards 1 minute out of compliance without being belittled and berated but Tanalski makes thou$$and$$$$ of dollars a week playing coach while his spare tire and jowels get enormous.

  83. Anonymous4/11/2013

    Tanalski gets punched in for coaching and college now when they overlap .He is really abusing the system.They should take his pension away asap.One phone call downtown and his ass will be grass.

  84. Anonymous4/11/2013

    Westbrook opposed the principal in giving Us to veteran teachers who were doing their job, and he got fired. But they are lying about it and saying he found another job. She is becoming desesperate in having full control but pretty soon is going to backfire her, and wants to get rid of teachers. The UFT does not care...

  85. Anonymous4/11/2013

    so westbrook is not working now?If that is the case that is terrible.

  86. Anonymous4/11/2013

    She got rid of 9 assistant principals, pretty soon she will not find anybody who wants to work for her.

  87. Anonymous4/12/2013

    There's a desperate vulture like Jackie just waiting to feed on the carcasses of the dead AP's. Don't worry there's always a puppet waiting to be called for bitchface Dwarka.

    1. Anonymous4/12/2013

      She eill conduct pre-onservations, observations and post-observations evem if it is illegal and her position has not be approved and voted in a SBO vote. The UFT wants to help the principal to rate teachers U.

  88. Anonymous4/13/2013

    Jackie's been salivating for months waiting for Westbrook to go. She has used every chance she could to make him look incompetent for her own advancement. This is a mother? This is an educator of children with special needs? She belongs in a barn with other hyenas, pigs, and bitches along side her idol Dwarfa.

    Stay Gold

  89. Anonymous4/13/2013

    I'm glad people are realizing who the real pieces of shit are.Manny people in our school fail to see who these blood sucking leeches are.Jackie will sell her respect and dignity in a drop of a pin.At least, a man like Westbrook stood up for what was right.He refused to take the corrupt path of rating good teachers that work hard with a U.Jackie you better be careful you fat ass because once dwarka goes down, your fat disgusting ass will as well.

    Jackie OMG you're so powerful now...lets all hide...loser!

    1. Anonymous11/03/2013

      Is she a supervisor? I did not know that a teacher can do an AP job. Maybe she should get paid as an AP salary. We need to ask the Chapter Leader, I am sure he will be very helpful, ha ha ha

  90. Anonymous4/14/2013

    Just think about it all the coordinators are losers....Papoutis is an insecure lesbian that can't even do higher level math like trigonometry correctly! Papoutis has been more than willing to sell her soul to anyone that offers her anything! She was in on the plan to remove her former supervisor!!!

    Rotondi is another insecure self loathing individual willing to disrespect himself in order to get ahead because he's such a meatball that he knows he won't get head otherwise!!! Its perfect because he is stupid that he hasn't figure out that this is the nail in the coffin for him!! What can be said about someone that moved into his former supervisors office the day after he left....after he was their third choice for the coordinators position! The same people that offered him the coordinators position are the same people that took the senior advisor position the prior year!!! Pathetic!!!

    Frankson is another none accepting of herself and all of her issues! Frankson spent all year conspiring, plotting, being in on meeting, and not sharing it with her colleagues! Please note: Frankson how could you be an quasi effective supervisor when you aren't even a good counselor!! Maybe you would have a fighting chance if you learned to relate to people..which FYI is an essential component to be an effective educator!!! We are not in the military..you know where the policy is don't ask don't tell! You don't have to tell because we already know!

    Skordas.....you thought because you Tanalski were both racist that this was going to work out for you! You know that Tanalski is selfish and would only do something that benefits him! Now your colleagues get to see you for the weasel you really are!

    Morales....you weren't good enough for her to give you a recommendation after how you worked in the summer but you're definitely good enough her to run you ragged! If you had difficulty getting an AP before what do you think is going to occur after this house crumbles!!! Have some dignity!

    Jackie....what were people expecting of her after how she plotted and schemed last year behind Ms. Troll's back! Lets not forget that Jackie is the same person that allowed that devil to fire her husband and still went along with the plan!! She's a hippo and she's knows that she will never get the opportunity otherwise since she's so gross!

    Good Luck all you idiots because haven't you figured out all your days are numbered!!!

  91. Anonymous4/24/2013

    we had a good school once, now grades are being changed, good veteran teachers are getting unsatisfactory ratings, everybody is stressed out and we are all demoralized. How did we let this heppen to us?

  92. Anonymous5/01/2013

    We were not united against all this nonsense! When the UFT and the administration is working against you, it is time to say godd-bye.

  93. Anonymous5/02/2013

    They cannot use the Danelson Model to rate us, all observations should be voided.

  94. Anonymous5/03/2013

    Yes, that is Sam Loser-us' job!!!!! That ass clown should be filing grievances every day against bitchface Dwarker. But he's a WIMP! He's not worthy of the dick between his legs!

  95. Anonymous5/03/2013

    Sam is working very hard. Some of you keep complaining- yet you don't run against him... and win. Be our new Union rep. See if you can do any better.
    Read about your Union rights. If he can fight for you- he would. However, many of us ask him to do things- he can't.
    He is earnest, he is constantly going into ND's office. Lay off. Either help him or hmmm.... help us and stop complaining.

    1. Anonymous5/05/2013

      That's BS.....Sam is a loser and he has sold his soul to the devil!!!! Last year he was informed what and how to fight against her insanity while some of us were doing things behind the scenes in effort to get her out yet he did nothing but allow her to get away with murder!!!! Shame on Sam for being a turncoat and shame on all of you for allowing it!!!!

    2. Anonymous5/05/2013

      Thank you! Most of the idiots who don't know anything more than The Guyanese Ass they are kissing don't know that Sam is continually acting like he's doing something to push back on her insane bullying but really just selling us out. He most definitely is a Benedict Arnold who should be inciting riots against her. The only reason he's not is because he's AFRAID OF HER and losing his own time off as chapter leader. She treats him like a flea. And he deserves it. He doesn't do anything to retaliate against her. He went to her CAVO Xmas party! He allowed her to smash a pie in his face at the Winter Festival! Does this sound like a chapter leader that she should fear and respect????
      And to the Sam Cheerleaders: why doesn't he step down and let someone else with real STRENGTH and VORACITY take a turn???? too scared Sam will look like a pathetic and useless scab that he is!

  96. Anonymous5/04/2013

    How about if Sam just quit!!!! Why does he take on a job he sucks at!!!! Leaving at 2:45 every day is not being earnest!!! He doesn't even know the contract himself! He obviously has the sheep of Bryant behind him. That's why ND gets away with everything. -----HE----- should let someone else do it. But just like all the selfish puppets he can't part with the perks of the position. So shut the fuck up.

  97. Anonymous5/06/2013

    Selfishness and complacency has always plagued Bryant HS....it's every man for themselves or I will do nothing especially if I'm not being affected personally!!! You are all quite embarrassing and frankly most if you deserve whatever he'll you are suffering for allowing it!!!!

  98. Anonymous5/06/2013

    Teachers cannot take a supervisory roll, if their position as coordinators haven't be voted in a SBO vote. Most of the unsatisfactory observations are based in the Danielson Model, which has not taken into effect. A teacher cannot be coerced by an administration who is pushing the teacher to pass long term absentees. Special Education Department should be in compliance with current legislation. Harassments and age discrimination should stop immediately, observations used as mens to oush out veteran teachers should be illegal.

  99. Anonymous5/07/2013

    It is a sad day when the one VICTORY against bitchface Dwarka only happened because the sheep and rats on the staff weren't allowed to vote on the SBO. Very sad. I'll savor it while I can. It was a pleasure to watch her squirm. You know she wanted to spit in all your faces. Yeehawww! Gitty up bitch! Now you have to do all this collaboration on your own time, said the Guyanese Troll. So what? Go to hell, Cancer Eyes. You have no brain. No conscience. No class. We will do as good or as bad as the DoE has pre-determined we would. And yes, you and your cross eyed Henrybot will sink into the puss and diarreah you came from.

  100. Anonymous5/07/2013

    Dwakwhore wanted the SBO to pass so baddd, so she could torture us for several hours per week.She's such a fuckface that she thought it had a chance.dwarker you are a lost soul.You have no life,no husband,no respect,no class,no brain,ugly as hell,saggy, and most importantly pathetic.I wish nothing but the worst upon you you piece of shit!

  101. Anonymous5/08/2013

    You definitely got piece of shit correct!!!

  102. Anonymous5/11/2013

    I am not a teacher nor do I work for the Dept. of Education but I have family and friends who are tenured teachers and I hear this type of behavior from principals on a daily basis. One particular school in Coney Island has a principal to blatantly violates chancellors rules and yet if a teacher speaks up they become the principals target. The principal has been heard of saying, and I quote “We have ways of dealing with teachers we don’t like”, and that couldn’t be more true. Teachers who have received nothing but S’s on their rating year after year all of a sudden start getting U’s. Letters in their file for nonsense, being made to follow rules that appear not to be enforced for others. In one situation the principal has been heard coercing students into writing false statements. The HARASSMENT in unbearable and it forces teacher to retire early and or leave, if their record hasn’t been tarnished too much. Principals are given way too much power. They become the judge, jury and executioner, teachers have no chance. These are careers we’re talking about; you can’t give principals the authority to destroy someone’s life… Teacher have to unite.. Class Action Law Suit anyone????

  103. Anonymous5/11/2013

    Following the accident, a representative of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration told WBNS the Maryland-based company operating the charter bus had not responded to three recent letters requesting a compliance audit.

    Why didn't the principal investigate this bus Company?

    The company, which was believed to have been operating the bus under the name Platinum Magic Carpet Ride LLC, had been issued a warning by the State of Maryland about a potential license revocation within 10 days, WBNS reported. Plans were under way for a mandatory inspection prior to the crash, the station reported.

    The cause of the accident remained under investigation late Sunday.

  104. Anonymous5/12/2013

    "The wheels on the bus go 'round and round...round and round over Dwarka's face"

    1. Anonymous5/14/2013

      Let us hope that justice prevails.

  105. Anonymous5/19/2013

    She has destroyed so many careers for no reason, while we all watch like so many coworkers are forced out, and we do nothing.

  106. Anonymous5/19/2013

    Namita Dwarka is a jealous bitch. Any negative interaction she has with a teacher is solely stemmed by her lack of self confidence. Teachers walk around having no clue as to why the principal is so negative towards them- seeking solace in co-workers' thoughts and theories- and it all boils down to "You're not doing anything wrong, she's crazy... or she's jealous because of...".

    This year will be over soon. But watch out, she and her pack of wolves are roaming the halls.

  107. Anonymous5/21/2013

    This insecure jealousy can also describe her "cabinet" of puppets and her surrogate daddy Tanalski. Their slogan should be if anyone is smarter than us let's bully, harass and slander them into silence.

    1. Anonymous5/23/2013

      Ahe does not have a cabinet, she has people that say yes to everyting she says.

  108. Anonymous5/22/2013

    So that would everyone because the only people dumber then her are the idiots clieless puppets that are following her!!!!!

  109. Anonymous5/22/2013

    New York’s Teachers’ Rights 3020-a Hearing Attorneys

    Under state and federal law, teachers have certain rights, especially in regard to disciplinary proceedings that involve allegations of wrongdoing, incompetence, or poor performance in the classroom. In New York, the terms and conditions of a teacher’s employment are generally determined by state law. As a result, there are specific procedures that must be followed regarding the hiring, firing, and evaluation of teachers. Teachers who are tenured are also granted specific procedural rights and protections that stem from due process clauses within the law as well as their collective bargaining agreements.

    When disciplinary matters arise, Districts must proceed according to the requirements laid out in New York Education Law §3020-a. Unfortunately, 3020-a hearings have frequently been used by Districts as a “paper trail” mechanism designed to conceal discrimination on the part of school districts that simply want to fire a teacher for unlawful reasons.

    If you’re a teacher and have been the target of harassment and discrimination, it’s important to understand what your legal rights and options are prior to a 3020-a hearing. To protect your interests and learn how we can help you, contact teachers’ rights attorneys at Leeds Brown Law P.C. today.

  110. Anonymous5/23/2013

    Our principal has such a good management style that she can make everybody miserable.

  111. Anonymous5/23/2013

    Does anybody know what is the purpose of small learning communities? Another nonesense...

  112. Anonymous5/23/2013

    More stupidity to make it look like Satan's Mistress is an obedient DOE mercenary. It also helps her divide and conquer the staff.

    She needs sex.

  113. Anonymous6/04/2013


  114. Anonymous6/11/2013

    Yes unfortunately....too many great teachers are leaving the profession!!!

  115. Anonymous6/11/2013

    So many people should be ashamed of themselves for participating in hurting children and destroying a school!!!! Dwarka you are an idiot and nothing that you do will ever change that!!!!

  116. Anonymous6/22/2013

    She does not deserve the staff she has or the position she hold, she is pure corruption.

    1. Anonymous6/30/2013

      She deserves all of you spineless idiots a.k.a. teachers. Real educators wouldn't sit up on their hind legs like dogs and take her crap.

  117. Anonymous6/22/2013

    The Relentless Quest for Excellence is not about passing students who do not deserve it. it is not about harassing teachers or rating veteran teachers unsatisfactory because they have become too expensive, nor is about changing grades or harassing assistant principals to change observation ratings on veteran teachers. It is not about impressing Tweed by using APAX as a credit recovery program so students who were not taught to put effort in the classes can pass with a few clicks, so Tweed can be happy. It is about creating a system where students learn and are prepared for today's world and that can only be done when you have a leader in charge of the school, not when you have an insecure principal who feels intimidated by intelligent people and goes after people that may help her to build a better school. Only leaders can create a good school, and inspire students to learn. Only leaders can appreciate the work of a good staff. Unfortunately with this principal's regime and her games that is not where we are headed.

  118. Anonymous6/25/2013

    Under state and federal law, teachers have certain rights, especially in regard to disciplinary proceedings that involve allegations of wrongdoing, incompetence, or poor performance in the classroom. In New York, the terms and conditions of a teacher’s employment are generally determined by state law. As a result, there are specific procedures that must be followed regarding the hiring, firing, and evaluation of teachers. Teachers who are tenured are also granted specific procedural rights and protections that stem from due process clauses within the law as well as their collective bargaining agreements.

    When disciplinary matters arise, Districts must proceed according to the requirements laid out in New York Education Law §3020-a. Unfortunately, 3020-a hearings have frequently been used by Districts as a “paper trail” mechanism designed to conceal discrimination on the part of school districts that simply want to fire a teacher for unlawful reasons.

    If you’re a teacher and have been the target of harassment and discrimination, it’s important to understand what your legal rights and options are prior to a 3020-a hearing.

  119. Anonymous8/14/2013

    Dear So & So,
    We are SO FUCKED this upcoming school year. Our principal is predictably unpredictable with who she will target. Sometimes I feel bad for- like as if she doesn't KNOW she's vindictive and weird.
    Yours truly,
    Have to go back to WCB

  120. Anonymous9/15/2013

    She is so desperate to abuse and mistreat everyone of you, but specially veteran teachers.

  121. Anonymous9/25/2013

    She is going to run the place to the ground after destroying the careers of good hard working people, and making everybody miserable. The teacher that won the Robotics Competition had to leave because she was harassed and humiliated.

  122. Anonymous9/25/2013

    And the UFT said that they will be no coordinators this year, what happened powerful UFT>

  123. Anonymous10/07/2013

    Retaliation Against P.A President Gus Prentzas For Defending our Children – He Believes Education is a right not a privilege. Another victim of Dwarka, when is she going to realize that she is a major problem for this school. How many more are going to be harassed, rated u or belittle by the most incompetent leader that Bryant ever had? Bring the good APs back, and let's finish with this nonsense.

  124. Anonymous10/10/2013

    It is time for her to leave, she is the biggest problem for this school.

  125. Anonymous10/15/2013

    Ms. Dwarka has ordered assistant principals to rate veteran teachers unsatisfactory that she does not like. Most of these assistant principals got pushed out anyway and replaced by teachers without any opposition from the UFT. She has changed grades and pressure teachers to pass students who do not deserve it. She has used the Danielson model to go after veteran teachers even though it was not in effect. She has harassed and humiliated a math teacher that have won a Robotic competition because she failed as a principal to see if the bus company involved in the accident was safe.What a shameful woman

  126. Anonymous10/17/2013

    The Relentless Quest for Excellence is not about changing grades or harassing assistant principals to rate veteran teachers unsatisfactory, it is about having a leader in front of the schools that knows how to act as a principal.

  127. Anonymous10/20/2013

    W.C. Bryant High School was a good school to work until Ms. Dwarka became principal. Now the only thing the administration does is go after veteran teachers, chase out teachers and intimidate them. How can demoralizing and putting down professionals with a good track record be beneficial for this school? That is their idea of turnaround make these leadership principals so powerful that students that do not deserve to pass will pass. and everybody will feel miserable to go to work under that kind of principals

  128. Anonymous10/21/2013

    What a sham the grading policy! They come up with such policy the same day the marking period ends. another relentless quest for incompetence.

  129. Anonymous10/21/2013

    A shameful principal.
    This school treats its most troubled students like trailer trash, whistleblowers say.
    The principal of William Cullen Bryant HS in Long Island City, Queens, has rounded up more than 20 failing kids with behavior problems — and put them in a trailer where they stay all day.
    Principal Namita Dwarka calls the boxy, red trailer housing the confined misfits “the Scholars Academy.”
    Teachers come to the trailer for English, math, science, history and other classes. Even lunch is brought in. If kids go into the cafeteria, they are not served, one told The Post. The only break is phys ed in the yard, when a teacher “rolls out the balls.”
    “Most of the kids are not happy with the situation,” a staffer said.

  130. Anonymous10/23/2013

    What kind of principal is running our school do we have that is against reviewing for the test and does not want to provide tutoring?

  131. Anonymous10/23/2013

    Her puppets are bleeding all her dry from all the per session they're getting for the useless work she makes them do. No money left to help the children. God bless the NYC DOE.

  132. Anonymous10/23/2013


  133. Anonymous10/25/2013

    A third grievance filed by the UFT is about principals who are requiring teachers to submit “written goals” for their professional growth in the classroom. The exchange takes place during an “initial pre-conference” meeting, which is where teachers decided what kind of observations they want. (King created two options.)

    The department has warned principals not to request written goals unless their schools had opted into formal goal-setting as part of the evaluation process, raising questions about whether the department is intentionally allowing abuses to take place or whether the union is observing variation in implementation across the city.

  134. Anonymous10/27/2013

    Ms. Dwarka has rated veteran teachers unsatisfactory in order to win her sympathy from Tweed, she is pushing veteran teachers out and has pushed good assistant principals out. It is called engaging in age discrimination, when you constantly target the veteran teachers and hire inexperienced teachers while there are experienced ATRS with no positions. An investigation is on the way, we will not stop until all the corruption of the last 2 years is out. How come all these veteran teachers worked for many years under different supervisors and were never rated unsatisfactory? She rates teachers with good statistics because of personal grudges or dislikes. This is totally destructive and unacceptable

  135. Anonymous10/27/2013

    We open our arms to her, just to find out that she came to clean house with her gotcha philosophy, her relentless quest to destroy careers of people who had worked hard during many years and have good results. It is time to unite all of you who got pushed out, harassed, intimidated .... Enough is enough.

  136. Anonymous10/28/2013

    The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 prohibits discrimination based on age in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. The U.S. Department of Education gives financial assistance to schools and colleges. The Age Discrimination regulation describes conduct that violates the Act. The Age Discrimination regulation is enforced by the Office for Civil Rights and is in the Code of Federal Regulations at 34 CFR Part 110.

    The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 does not cover employment discrimination. Complaints of employment discrimination based on age may be filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.

    The regulations under the Age Discrimination Act, however, allow you to file a claim in Federal court under that law only after (1) 180 days have passed since you file your complaint with OCR and OCR has made no finding, or (2) OCR issues a finding in favor of the recipient. In the latter case, OCR will promptly notify you and remind you of your right to file in court.

    The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 prohibits retaliation for filing a complaint with OCR or for advocating for a right protected by the Act.

  137. Anonymous10/28/2013

    After changing grades, harassing teachers to change grades on students and using illegal recovery credit programs the school under her leadership has evolved to a worse school. Bring back the APs that knew how to do their job, and let's rebuild the trust and professionalism we had before.

  138. Anonymous10/29/2013

    The UFT does not want to do anything, age discrimination consisting in rating unsatisfactoy and harassing veteran teachers is widely accepted. If you look of all ATRs there are all middle age, and the teachers that get reassigned are also middle age. The median age of the staff of W.C. Bryant High School probably went down 15 years between 2011 and 2013. All the APs that were pushed out were veteran employees. The UFT knows about it and doesn't do anything.

  139. Anonymous10/30/2013

    One by one and of the veterans are getting pushed out, today the students of a social studies class had another substitute teacher because our principal has removed their social studies teacher who she had made a target for the last 2 years.The students are not learning nothing but she is getting rid of the experienced teachers so she can make TWEED and the network happy. What a waste! Let' s stop this nonsense with a lawsuit so she can learn that age discrimination is not acceptable.

  140. Anonymous11/01/2013

    These coordinators should get paid to do an assistant principal's job. It does not make sense if they are occupying their offices, writing observations and observing teachers. By the way, why is the chapter is letting her have these positions? After all these teachers are in the same Union that the rest of us are. If she was able to push out 9 assistant principals, a nurse, a psychologist and 50 teachers at least. When the tables are turned, where are these coordinators going to go?

  141. Anonymous11/02/2013

    The Relentless Quest for Incompetence:
    (1) Change grades for seniors so that the graduation rate can go up and she can look good for TWEED
    (2) Target veteran teachers for U-ratings so Tweed will be happy and replace them with inexperienced teachers at a lower cost
    (3) Push out and harass assistant principals
    (4) Intimidate teachers
    (5)Stress out everybody and overwhelm them
    (6) Make a teacher win a Robotic Competition and then harass and humiliate her
    (7) Come up with fraudulent recovery credit programs so Tweed can be happy
    (8) Replace good assistant principals with teachers who will do their jobs at a lower cost
    (9) Harass teachers to pass students who do not deserve it so Tweed can be happy
    (10) Retaliate against anybody who can pose a danger in reporting incompetence or grade changing
    (11) Go after veteran teachers even though they have good statistics and are doing a good job.
    (12) Neutralize the Union, so the incompetence can continue

  142. Anonymous11/03/2013

    Teachers who have been bullied by administrators are the most likely to take time off work and to take the longest time off;
    Teachers who are bullied by administrators are the most likely to suffer stress-related consequences.
    The survey also underscored that the personal consequences of bullying include absences from work, increased fear, loss of sleep, loss of self-confidence, anxiety, appetite loss, and depression. Severe panic attacks, and loss of appetite, self-confidence, and concentration are most prevalent reactions when bullied by an administrator.

  143. Anonymous11/03/2013

    For the last 2 years she has been rating teachers with the Danielson Model and it was not in effect, so all the observations conducted between 2011 and 2013 should be voided

  144. Anonymous11/04/2013

    We need to be realistic and provide more tutoring for students. Also, how can the students be college ready for the 21st century if the tests only count for 40 percent of the grade? Let's bring back some common sense,

  145. Anonymous11/04/2013

    Dear Blog Editors,

    I am a teacher at W.C. Bryant High School, and I am asking you to please delete the Bryant Inside Scoop blog.

    Every personal attack on a Bryant employee reflects badly on our entire school. The few among us that are choosing to behave unprofessionally do not represent the vast majority of us who are completely opposed to the attacks and want our faculty to unite and move forward.

    I applaud you for following through with a very interesting experiment. Nobody will ever ask, “I wonder what would happen if the faculty & staff of Bryant High School could vent anonymously on an online blog …?”

    Yes, you have the right to continue to keep the site up. Idealistic teachers with detailed action items have the right to try to inspire everyone with hopeful essays, and vindictive individuals with horrific writing skills have the right to continue adding to the vitriol. Opportunists have the right to cut & paste all of it onto more widely read blogs. The entire world has the right to read it. People like me who have not (yet) been personally attacked have the right to turn a blind eye to all of it. WordPress has the right to do whatever they want with it since they own the site.

    Since this blog does not help the faculty and staff of Bryant High School to give students better educational opportunities, I ask that you please delete it. I hope that other educators will join me in publicly denouncing this site in the interests of our students.


    Nina Kulkarni

    W.C. Bryant teacher (2000-present)

    1. Nina Kulkarni11/04/2013

      I didn't realize I could leave my name without leaving an email address.

  146. Anonymous11/05/2013

    If any of the veteran teachers would like to be considered a target for a U -rating, please speak to our chapter leader. The chapter leader together with the principal will guide you through the process so you can get your termination papers ASAP, and the principal can look good for TWEED.

  147. Anonymous11/07/2013

    LI Teacher Reinstated Following Discrimination Lawsuit
    By Vickie Moller Published: August 13 2013
    After being fired four years ago, Anthony Claudio, a special education teacher at Mattituck-Chutchogue Junior Senior High School, will be returning to the classroom following ...
    LI Teacher Reinstated Following Discrimination Lawsuit
    After being fired four years ago, Anthony Claudio, a special education teacher at Mattituck-Cutchogue Junior Senior High School, will be returning to the classroom following a ruling by a federal judge that he must be rehired because of age discrimination.
    Claudio, 51, sued the Mattituck-Cutchogue School District after he was fired in 2009 while the majority of the other special education teachers were young women, many of whom had been tenured, according to Newsday.
    "Discrimination is a form of bullying and that's something they are always trying to fight against" in school, Claudio said.
    After finding that the district engaged in age discrimination, a federal jury awarded Claudio $70,000 in back pay, but rejected his additional claim of gender bias.
    In July, U.S. District Judge Joseph F. Bianco in Central Islip denied the school district's appeal of the verdict and ordered Claudio’s reinstatement at an Aug. 1 hearing, citing evidence that the superintendent "initially agreed the plaintiff should receive tenure, but he then decided not to grant tenure, electing instead to terminate the plaintiff's employment."
    The judge’s ruling requires that Claudio be reinstated in a probationary position but does not require the district to grant him tenure.
    Witnesses at the trial, which included two school board members, said they believed Claudio's performance merited his becoming tenured.
    Claudio's attorney, Frank J. Blangiardo of Cutchogue, said his client is entitled to the same seniority he had before his dismissal and should also be compensated for lost Social Security payments.
    Bianco left the decision of whether to rehire Claudio for an open fifth-grade teaching position or find another way to reinstate him up to the district. "I don't think it's a good situation . . . for me to be micromanaging the district's decision on which teachers are best suited for which particular positions," he said, according to a transcript of the hearing.
    But Smithtown attorney Yeltje DeJong, who represents the district, argued that Claudio doesn’t qualify for the elementary teaching position since his experience at that level is limited to substitute teaching. She further pointed out that Claudio lacks training in the required Common Core curriculum.
    "The thought of putting a man in fifth grade where he hasn't had any experience and he hasn't had any training is frightening," DeJong said in court.
    Claudio, who will resume an eight-year career with the district, said he would accept the fifth-grade position but would prefer his former job at Mattituck-Cutchogue Junior Senior High School.
    “I loved my kids,” he said. “It's a wonderful feeling to know you helped educate kids. They say, ‘Hey, thanks for all your advice, I really used it.’”

  148. Anonymous11/07/2013

    New York Teachers Discrimination Lawyer – 3020-a Hearings
    Most districts and individual schools have policies and training in place to address the issue of discrimination in the workplace. As a result, most principlals and superintendents should be aware of what the law says and what procedures must be followed when a teacher’s competence is called into question. Consequently, when personal or political differences arise, vindictive administrators and other school officials may find creative ways to dismiss a tenured teacher, typically through a 3020-a hearing. While school officials often mistakenly believe they can hide their ethnic, religious, political, or personal prejudice behind trumped up charges of incompetence, they often leave a paper trail behind them that exposes a pattern of discriminatory behavior. Moreover, there are typically witnesses and/or facts which evidence the pretextual nature of their conduct.

    Ironically, this often works to the advantage of teachers facing dismissal over charges of incompetence. Establishing a pattern of disparate treatment, harassment, unequal consideration, or unusual disciplinary actions exposes the discriminatory behavior on the part of school officials and administrators.

    The employment law firm of Leeds Brown Law P.C., has represented a large number of teachers who have been victims of discrimination. If you’re facing a 3020-a hearing or are noticing unusual behavior on the part of your administrators, contact New York’s teachers’ rights attorneys at Leeds Brown Law P.C., today to learn how we can help you.

    Patterns of Discrimination – What to Look for
    While discrimination may not be overt, how your school treats you is essential for determining if you’ve been singled out for disciplinary actions due to discrimination. In most cases, employers are required to treat similarly situated individuals by the same standards, policies, and procedures. Consequently, if your school disciplines you because of student scores on standardized tests or because you’ve allegedly departed from the curriculum in a certain way, or allegedly performed your teaching duties in an unsatisfactory manner, it’s essential to look at how other teachers have been treated for similar or identical issues and/or how other teachers are being evaluated/observed in comparison to you. Additionally, if administrators claim complaints have been made against you by other teachers, parents, or students, it’s important to review how similar complaints have been handled in the past and whether established procedures were followed.

  149. Anonymous11/08/2013

    Advocates for Children of New York Wins Decision
    Enforcing Rights of Students with Disabilities

    NEW YORK CITY, November 7, 2013 – The New York State Education Department (NYSED) issued a ruling this week on a complaint filed by Advocates for Children of New York (AFC) earlier this year, charging the New York City Department of Education (NYC DOE) with systemically violating the law by failing to provide crucial behavioral supports for students with disabilities. The NYSED decision affirms AFC’s claim that the NYC DOE must address students’ behavior using Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs) as mandated by law.

    “Recent statistics show that students with disabilities are suspended at a higher rate than other students,” stated Rebecca Shore, Director of Litigation at Advocates for Children of New York. “Schools are not following required procedures to identify causes of the challenging behavior or provide appropriate supports to prevent the behavior from occurring. Suspending students with disabilities results in missed class time and does nothing to address whatever is triggering the misconduct.”

    Over the years, AFC has worked with thousands of families of students with disabilities and rarely seen appropriate behavior support plans from the DOE.

    “We hope this decision will motivate the DOE to finally do the right thing for NYC students,” says Kim Sweet, Executive Director at AFC. “FBAs and BIPs were designed specifically to help students improve their behavior and increase positive experiences in school.”

    NYSED found systemic noncompliance with the state regulations on mandated behavior support plans. In addition, NYSED found that the forms that the DOE uses do not comply with state requirements. Their investigation also concluded that the DOE does not provide sufficient support and guidance for its schools on positive behavior plans (FBAs and BIPs).

    NYSED has ordered the NYC DOE to immediately remedy the system-wide violations and start providing students with disabilities the support they are legally entitled to.

    To read the New York State Education Department’s decision, please click here. For a complete list of the demands and to read the complaint filed by AFC, click here.
